An Inspiration from Autorickshaw paves way for a new marketing strategy


Eureka!! – This usually happens in a Washroom or a Restaurant or a similar place and those are places where fresh ideas flock the mind. However, here is something unusual. An inspiration from seeing autorickshaws plying is paving way for a brand new campaign from a company. The telecom company, Uninor has come up with the strategy of branded-autos, milk men and newspaper vendors who can sell SIM cards and recharge vouchers for the company at the customer door steps.

When Uninor tapped the autorickshaw and milk men strategy, another telecom company, Videocon, is sending their mobile services distributors and retailers to different locations and are wooing customers by giving away LED TVs for selling SIM cards and recharge coupons.  For Uninor, it is a modest investment and a fresh strategy and the company as of now has trained 30 auto drivers to sell their SIM cards and recharge coupons. The auto drivers collect SIM cards and recharge vouchers from a local dealer who also verifies the documents of the new customer.

The company offers the same commission that it offers to a shop retailer and this mode of sales allow auto drivers to earn around Rs. 2500 per month for 50-60 transactions in a month. Being near to the customers and remaining close to them has helped the company clinch a better market. Uninor is now planning to invest in more auto recharge vehicles in about five to six cities across Maharastra in next six months.

Videocon is in a rush to award LED television sets and exotic trip opportunities to retailers even before it begins the business of selling SIM cards. The company has set aside a huge amount exclusively for this. Uninor and Videocon which lost couple of circles after the licenses given to them was withdrawn have adapted this strategy as a part of their innovative strategy to improve their market presence in an overcrowded domestic market. The go-to-customer strategy is sure to help the companies in the long run and will help in creating more employment opportunities as well.