TV News Genre Ad Volumes Up by 28% During the Festive Period: TAM AdEx Report


According to TAM AdEx-Television Advertising Report-23, the ad volumes of news genre channels raked in 31% share in the overall ad in volume during August-November 2020, when compared to General Entertainment Channels (GEC) in the August-November 2019. This period is called the festive period and is observed by my TV channel companies to have the most viewership at this time in a year. The report also states that the overall TV news genre volume grew by 28%.

The analysis of this report shows that people have moved on from getting their entertainment on the TV. Nowadays with the availability of cheap internet and OTT services, most advertisers choose to advertise their products on streaming platforms and social media sites. At the same time, we see that marketers still believe that consumers watch TV for their mainstream news.

Some of the key observations of the study were that toilet soaps and shampoos were consistently the top advertisement categories. It also found that the average ad volume on news genre per day grew by 28% when compared with Aug-Nov ’19 statistics. Among the top advertisers, it was found that Reckitt Benckiser India had secured the top spot in 2020 displacing Hindustan Unilever to the second position. During the festive season of the Year 2020, the average Ad Volumes/Day for News genre had a higher share with 58% compared to the non-festive period which saw a 42% share. The nonfestive period in the Year 2019 had a slightly higher share with 52% of Ad Volumes per day compared to the festive period. The number of advertisers and brands grew by one percent each during Aug-Nov’20 when compared to Aug-Nov’19

 Other top categories that took the top positions in the Aug-Nov 2020 include cars, EdTech companies, hand sanitizers, and tooth pastes. Cars as category maintained its first position during Aug-Nov’20 whereas Reckitt moved to 1st rank displacing Hindustan Unilever to 2nd place compared to Aug-Nov’19. EdTech & GCMMF (Amul) were new entrants among the top 5 categories and advertisers of the News genre respectively during Aug-Nov’20. In the top 5 categories & advertisers were able to add 16% and 17% share of Ad Volumes respectively.