L&T Mutual Fund launches ‘Late Lateef’ digital campaign


L&T mutual fund has launched ‘Late Lateef 2021’, a digital campaign to emphasize the significance of investing in the Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS) for getting tax benefits. The main aim of this campaign is to spread awareness of keeping away the laziness and the impacts we get due to delaying the important things in our life.

Through the ‘Late Lateef 2021’ awareness campaign, the fund house intends to contact a bigger pool of clients, including recent college graduates, who are keen on investing in ELSS to save their money and make them aware of the tax-saving tool. Twenty to thirty-year-old’s of mutual fund investors occupies about 47% in FY19 according to the most recent information gave by Computer Age Management Services Limited. These people can utilize ELSS as an investment tool to start their savings journey in the early days of their life.

L&T Mutual Fund has made a web page www.ltfs.com/elss, which incorporates insights concerning the awareness video, advantages of putting resources into the ELSS reserves, and so forth for guiding the investors to pick the correct choice. The fund house additionally plans to present a goal calculator on this page which will assist the financial investors in choosing how much amount they need to invest. They are delivering this campaign via web-based media including Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The attractive rap sound is being advertised in music apps like Spotify and Gaana.

The promotional campaign will be advertised with Google ads, Digital Ads viz Display Ads, financial portals, and message pop-ups for spreading high awareness among the people.

Under section 80C of the income tax act, the ELSS plan provides tax benefits and it builds a disciplined habit of investing, which is vital for long term investments. It has been observed that tax planning is a deferred activity and it is done at the last minute which results in a huge blunder. Towards the year end, individuals understand that they need to put resources into monetary instruments that will help them save their money. This film tends to this issue of delaying and prompts that ELSS isn’t just an expense saving alternative yet also a medium to create a potential wealth.