Tripadvisor persuades us to pack bags and travel


It’s not every day that you watch a travel ad without any clips of scenic locations, or relaxing resort rooms and pools. Sometimes, you will have lack travel bags. Their leading online travel company Trip advisor’s new spot is very refreshing and also will endow us with a breath of fresh air. They referred to this as ‘Vacation Miss You’. They persuade us to go for a vacation.

Count the next travel. There won’t be any sad ending from now on. It’s time to pack our bags and explore the world. They are urging us to plan our next trip, as we are missing vacations. #Vacation Miss You is indicated in their YouTube description.

This ad comes with a time when the US and UK have relaunched after their COVID– induced lockdowns and restricted travels. The Centres for Disease Control, the top health agency in the US has indicated that people who have got both their covid vaccination could now travel without masks being worn.

Recently, trip advisor in their joint study with Accenture has released a report from the US called the future of Travel. Some of their findings are the US residents who haven’t traveled far in 2020 are more comfortable going in 2021. They are very delighted and excited to travel. The respondents who earn 100,000 or more are planning to travel this year, most of them had even booked their travel. Those who have travelled in 2020 have booked their trip this year too. Among their respondents who did traveling last year, 41% of them have already booked their tickets for this year compared to the rest who didn’t get a chance to travel.

Trip Advisor is the world’s largest travel guidance platform, they did help hundreds of millions of people and made their life better. Travelers around the world is using this Trip advisor site to plan their stay, to select what kind of food they could have, and the activities they might do in that place.

In March this year, the Trip advisor has introduced their collaboration with Reckitt’s Lysol, which’s a cleaning and disinfectant brand. They need to monitor and coordinate things which includes distribution of specially designed Lysol disinfection and sanitization kits.

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