Big Data technologies going to flourish in future


2020 is going to reach its half and the world is dealing with a pandemic. We can notice changes in every field, every corner of the society. AI, Machine Learning, IoT are buzzwords now and its definite that these will be the future and will influence our day to day lives. Behind all these future technologies, Big Data possess a strong position because Data feeds these technologies

There are some big data technologies likely to flourish in future. They are;

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is commonly termed as AI will change data analytics using results from past analytic tasks. AI can help in future predictions by using analytic results from past events. Machine Learning is an application of AI which help in identifying problems that might not be detected by humans. AI is now a common jargon in the tech world and the firms that fail to deploy AI in future will fall behind the competitors.

Edge Computing

Cloud computing is the transmission of data to a centralized server and Edge computing is the opposite to that of Cloud computing. In Edge computing, the data will be transmitted to a centralized server for analysis and the systems analyse the data vary close to where it was located- that means at the edge of the network.

One of the main advantages of the edge computing is that it reduces the amount of information transmitted over a network, reduces the network traffic and other costs. It also decreases the dependence on data centres and cloud storages. Edge computing is still in the developing stage and some analysts are calling it the “next big thing”.


Blockchain is a distributed database technology where the information will be stored in the form of blocks and in chains. The blocks are immutable after formed, because if anyone must change a block, then he or she must change the entire chain with that block. That means it cannot be manipulated by anyone, also blockchain Is a decentralized network and therefore anyone can get access to it. Since it cannot be manipulated, it is highly secure and finds many applications in Big Data.

NoSQL Databases

Database administrators must change and manipulate the data in RDBMS or Relational Database Management Systems. On the other hand, the NoSQL databases can store unstructured data and offers fast performance. It is very flexible and can handle wide variety of datatypes at large volumes. Examples of NoSQL databases includes Cassandra, Redis and MongoDB.