2021 trends in AI and ML


Artificial intelligence and machine learning were the helping hand in 2020 when the pandemic struck. Although this crisis has changed how we do business and how we shop, the impact of AI and ML hasn’t decreased. Actually with the help of this it became the life saver by preventing the spread of the virus.

In 2021, they’ll continue in industries and business processes. Here are some areas that will experience major improvement with the implementation of AI and ML algorithms.

Synthesizing Consumer Behavior for Businesses

As there was a change in businesses like managing their inventory and open their stores during COVID-19, consumers have adapted accordingly. There has been an increase in online shopping year-over-year over the past decade, but this year its observed that the highest amount of online shopping yet.

Using AI tools, will help businesses understand how their customers are adapting to pandemic restrictions. Many companies have already increased their social media presence, improved their e-commerce experience, and created more relationships with customers through online interactions. But this trend is just beginning. In 2021, experts have predicted that tools that provide companies with self-service access to behavioral analytics and personalization technology will grow in commoness and revenue.

Boosting Surveillance Accuracy

AI and ML provide themselves to applications that require automation. Many countries have used drones to check on their citizens to ensure they’re following social distancing rules. Surveillance is just a kick start in AI applications advanced implementations will include detecting a high temperature in a crowd using computer vision technology on drone and camera footage. These algorithms can alert authorities of the probability of virus spread and population infection.

Predicting the Next Pandemic

On December 31, 2019, Toronto an AI-based outbreak-tracking tool, alerted the authorities to a potential disease outbreak in Wuhan, China. The BlueDot algorithms scanned 100,000 media and government data sources every day, giving them a great baseline with which to compare the Wuhan crisis. In this crisis few of the early alerts about the pandemic were generated by AI tracking data from sources all across the world.

Smarter Insights from Health Data

There is a need to analyze and interpret data about the spread of the virus and other diseases around the world. Researchers, global health organizations, governments, and the private industry have banded together to improve how data is collected and analyzed.

Using AI and ML in real-time datasets will reduce the mental and physical burden of everyone who treats infected people and everyone who gets infected. We can even analyze and predict how the virus will evolve and apply the conclusions to vaccine research and development.

Looking Forward to the Near Future

AI and ML can predict, automate, and analyze disease outbreaks, customer behavior, and medical diagnoses will only improve even more in 2021. In some cases, the cooperation of governments and companies all over the world will be required. In other cases, substantial investment by smaller businesses and their customers. Many nations would have to put their politics apart and use emerging technology to tackle the growing problems brought about by the pandemic.