Human Resource 3.0: A Game Changer


CHROs agree that HR must be radically redefined and that the guiding principles of personalization, expertise at the core, data-driven decision-making, transparency are all halfway to the expedition to Human Resource version (3.0).

Only a few companies have attained HR 3.0 globally. It turns HR into an agile consulting organization that delivers efficient services and practices design thinking to push innovative solutions, cognitive tools, and transparency. At present, amid global disruption, employee skill development is vital for organizations looking to stay on the line.

Skills have appeared as the new currency across businesses. A particular section of Indian companies makes skills growth a crucial part of their performance management approach. Some Indian organizations have skills and capabilities in AI within the Human Resource purpose.

Organizations are placing AI and digital technology throughout the entire employee lifecycle. According to IBM, 25% of India’s organizations leverage AI and analytics to make better efficient decisions about their talents.

To bring the new HR era and drive transformation inside organizations, HR must be redefined. The world’s best companies are taking confident steps to accelerate their HR transformation with speed and purpose. We believe that HR 3.0 is the next evolutionary step, representing a significant paradigm shift for CHROs and their teams,” said Chaitanya Sreenivas, HR head, IBM, India, and South Asia. 

The study, conducted in partnership with independent global analyst Josh Bersin of the Josh Bersin Academy, adds awareness from more than 1,500 global HR executives surveyed in various countries and industries. Based on this information, the study helps with a roadmap for the pavement to the next era of Human Resource functioning.

This survey also shows that some Indian companies think leaders sanction teams to innovate by creating a strong sense of purpose. Some organizations in India are using AI to identify behavioral skills.

Major Indian organizations said data-driven decision-making powered by AI is analytical to HR’s future, and 25% of companies are actively investing in upskilling HR in new skills and capabilities. The majority of HR executives in India agree to leverage data from new sources like financial data and social media data to help make better talent decisions.