Role of AI in HR


Technology has created a transformational impact in several industries over the last few years and changed their functional competencies for the better. Functional areas within organizations such as sales, finance, and marketing have undergone radical structural changes with the advent of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

 The role of Human Resources (HR) within an organizational setup has undergone a radical shift with the integration of these digital technologies. Far from performing template-driven back-office functions not so long ago, HR departments in companies are fast emerging as critical enablers in driving businesses on a higher growth trajectory by influencing the most crucial element in any organization: the employees.

The application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms in core HR processes has led to this change and equipped contemporary HR departments to move beyond their conventional roles of merely screening and hiring candidates. Contrary to perceived public opinion, large-scale adoption of Artificial Intelligence into HR practices also holds the potential to enhance human contact in HR rather than rendering it obsolete.

 Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence are acting as facilitators for HR departments of companies to formulate smart recruitment and hiring strategies. Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, HR recruitment software can perform the crucial function of identifying employee skills and matching those skill sets with job roles. It can go a long way in plugging the skill gaps in the organization and positioning each employee as a valuable asset capable of achieving actionable outcomes in alignment with organizational goals and objectives.

 As organizations expand their operational footprint on a global level, they need to implement recruitment policies capable of recruiting diverse workforces in an efficient manner. Artificial Intelligence-based interactive gamified assessments help companies to screen the potential talent and understand whether the candidates have the cognitive abilities and aptitudes to carry out job roles assigned to them.