Celebrities endorsement- what do marketers gain??


Celebrities in India are considered to be the second to  GOD in India…especially bollywood stars and cricketers….and marketers always make the most to tap this emotion of their consumers. Well just notice my folks; you can see almost all popular brands endorsed by either film stars or sports people.

Now marketers are cashing in on our proud Olympics medal winners…so what you think….what makes these marketers to endorse celebrities???

For marketers, brand positioning and effective communication is the only key to be success in a competitive market and so companies have to give their maximum to create that lasting image of their brands in their consumers’ mind. It is said that over 3 million television ads are aired in Indian televisions. But unfortunately, the people only remember them for one or two days at the utmost.

So for marketers to create that positioning, they endorse using the celebrities!!! To stand apart from the other ad campaigns, marketers heavily invest in celebrities.

The marketers choose celebrity endorsement for a strong brand recall and customer persuasion to buy the product as for Indian consumers their favorite celebrities are the most trusted sources. In this cyber era, marketers drop in the celebrities to tweet and like their brands in social media platforms.

So what do our marketers gain by endorsing celebrities???

  1. Credibility:  If you are a hard core fan of Sharukh Kahn, I am sure you would run for Emami’s fairness cream…..and the reason is that you trust him.
  2. Brand awareness: Well, its again Sharukh Khan….do you remember the Santro ad featuring Shahruhk Khan? When the auto maker launched Santro, they dropped in Sharukh Khan for endorsing the car and the end result was that it created awareness even among the people who have not even heard about the brand.
  3. Brand Recall: No doubt you would remember all the ads of your favorite star…let it be any amount of products endorsed by celebrities; consumers will have high recall of the product ads that feature consumer’s favorite star.
  4. And sometimes celebrity ads can be compensated for lack of innovative ideas in the campaign.

But marketers be cautious while selecting the celebrity for endorsing your product…..if they are used in the right way you can take your brand to new heights…