Simple lifestyle alteration to reduce acidity


Mr. Joy Chatterjee, General Manager, Sales & Marketing, Mankind Pharma.

Acidity is a very common phenomenon that people many times do not take it seriously. It causes a painful, burning sensation in the lower part of the chest contributing to heartburn. While occasional acidity is not a matter of concern, chronic acidity on the other hand must not be overlooked according to health experts. Chronic acid reflux is indicative of an underlying medical conditions and precautions must be taken to avoid any future complications. One can adopt certain simple lifestyle alterations to control the condition in its nascent stage. 

Let’s look at some lifestyle changes to get relief from acidity naturally. 

  1. Avoid overeating 

Avoiding large meals can substantially help in minimizing the effect of acidity. There is a high probability that acid reflux takes place after a meal and a full stomach can increase the reflux into the esophagus. Hence, it is advised to eat sparingly and slowly. Eating small meals at regular intervals is considered better than having large three meals throughout the day. 

  • Weight Loss

People facing acidity problems must consider losing weight. An increased weight disorients the muscular support to the lower esophageal sphincter this decreases the pressure required to keep the sphincter closed. Which is a major cause of reflux and heartburn. Thus, it is advisable to maintain a healthy weight. 

  • Avoid alcohol 

Excessive alcoholic consumption increases the amount of acid in the stomach which can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux. It not only relaxes the opening of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle but also intervenes with the esophagus ability to get rid of the acid. Reducing alcohol intake eases the symptoms of acid reflux. Along with alcohol, quitting smoking also helps nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. 

  • Limiting carbonated beverages 

Consuming carbonated drinks increases the risk of acid reflux. Scientific evidence shows that carbonated beverages impair the lower esophageal sphincter functioning. The carbon dioxide present causes belching which increases the amount of stomach acid entering into the esophagus. Carbonated drinks cause burping that sends acid into the esophagus. 

  • Drinking less citric juice

Citric juices themselves do not cause acid reflux, but they can temporarily worsen the symptoms in people experiencing acidity. The constituents in the citric juices can give rise to irritation in the esophageal lining. Hence, it is recommended for people with acidity to reduce the intake of citric juices. 

  • Improvement in sleeping patterns and habits

Adopting healthy sleeping patterns can ease the frequency of acidity at night. Sleeping position is very important. Elevating the head of the bedding by 6 to 8 inches higher than the feet can significantly reduce the episodes and acid reflux at night. 

Avoid sleeping immediately after eating. One requires a good gap of about 2-3 hours between the meal and bedtime. Remaining upright like standing or even sitting lets gravity work and keeps the acid in the stomach in place. 

Try sleeping on the left side. Sleeping on the right side can cover the esophageal sphincter with stomach acid. It can increase the probability of stomach acid leaking into the sphincter causing reflux. 

Acidity is a very common problem and there is nothing to worry about. But in case it occurs more than twice a week then people must make lifestyle and diet changes to reduce its effect naturally. People can even opt for Antacid Gas-O-Fast Sachets for quick, effective relief. It comes with real jeera and also highly packed with the goodness of Ayurveda that neutralizes the acid in few seconds of consumption. It gives quick relief from digestive problems like acidity, gas and indigestion.