YMYL: Understanding Your Money Your Life Sites and How to Improve Google Rankings


With billions of websites that now exist on the internet, it can be tough to get noticed. But sometimes, your site may get noticed for the wrong reasons.

When Google released its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines back in 2018, things changed drastically for a specific subset of website owners. If you run a website that falls into the “YMYL” category, it’s important for you to know why your site might be targeted in algorithm updates – and what you can do about it.

What Does Your Money or Your Life Mean?

“YMYL” stands for Your Money Your Life (sometimes written as Your Money or Your Life). It involves a broad range of different site categories, but Google defines YMYL sites as containing content that has the power and potential to impact a reader’s health, safety, finances, and overall happiness.

What Kinds of Websites Are Categorized as YMYL?

There are a number of verticals or site topics that may lead a website to fall under the YMYL umbrella. Typically, Google will view a website as YMYL if it pertains to:

  • News and current events
  • Government, law, and civics
  • Financial advice or general information
  • Product research and shopping info
  • Medical care, health, and safety
  • Weight loss, nutrition, and fitness
  • Groups of people (including protected classes)
  • Home remodeling and housing
  • Parenting
  • Employment and education

It’s important to note that not every website that belongs to these niches will always be categorized as a YMYL site. But you shouldn’t assume that your website won’t be seen as YMYL. Even reputable websites may be viewed as YMYL, which can have major rankings consequences.

Why Doesn’t Google Like YMYL Sites?

The reality is that Google doesn’t perceive YMYL sites favorably. Even if they contain some helpful information, these sites also come with a greater risk of misinformation than other websites do. It’s theoretically easy to publish inaccurate information on these sites. And because these topics can have massive life consequences, a reader who follows misinformation published on such a site could be harmed in the process.

That’s why Google holds YMYL sites to a higher standard when it comes to rankings. It really is a consumer protection measure. Google needs to verify that the information published on these sites is in the best interest of the reader. 

That means in order to obtain a great ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), YMYL sites need to meet a higher burden of proof, so to speak. Although Google doesn’t specifically penalize YMYL sites due simply to the content they contain, website owners will need to take extra steps to improve their rankings and overall perception.

How Can YMYL Websites Improve Their Rankings?

YMYL sites can improve rankings by remembering to E-A-T. “E-A-T” stands for Expertise, Authority, Trust – and these are the values that Google cares most about when evaluating these specific kinds of sites.

As a website owner or publisher, you’ll need to prove to Google that your website authors are experts in their field with the credentials to back up their claims. Google also wants to confirm that a site’s website authors are recognized as authoritative by others in their industry and that the information being posted can be verified as factual.

For example, if you’re someone who has a casual interest in food, you can’t simply post your opinions on nutrition and expect to be seen as an authority. The same goes for fitness, politics, breaking news, parenting, or home remodeling. While Google does make some allowances for “everyday experts,” they generally want to confirm that website authors can walk the walk.

With that in mind, there are a few things you can do to potentially improve Google’s perception of your YMYL website:

  • Work Only With Vetted Authors: If you regularly post contributed content, you’ll want to verify that your contributors are recognized for their expertise and vetted appropriately. Anonymous sources can’t be verified, so you’ll make Google happier if you showcase your authors and ensure they’re qualified to speak on the topics at-hand.
  • Publish Valuable Long-Form Content: Shorter articles have their place in SEO, but long-form content provides an opportunity to do a deep dive with an expert. Not only can long-form articles allow industry leaders to get into more valuable detail, but they’ll also keep visitors engaged for longer periods of time. This can help your SEO in more ways than one.
  • Prioritize User Experience: User experience is a huge ranking factor. The better experience you provide to web visitors, the more helpful you’ll be to them on their journey. Since Google wants to provide valuable results above all else, you’ll increase your chance of receiving a favorable ranking if you ensure your site is easy to navigate and provides the value your audience is looking for.
  • Showcase Your Site’s Credentials: If your site has been featured in a notable magazine, you’ve received some type of award, or you’re accredited through a specific agency, don’t be shy about showing social proof. This shows your readers that they can trust you to provide them with great information. Another way to do this is by amping up your website security. Be sure to acquire HTTPS certification so you can protect your readers and your site.
  • Secure Impressive Backlinks: Link-building can show Google your site is worthwhile. If you’re able to obtain an endorsement (via a backlink) from a highly revered and relevant website, that can go a long way in proving your site’s value. While this won’t fix everything for YMYL sites, it’s a good strategy to pursue in the background.

YMYL Sites Have a Place – So Claim Yours in SERPs

Despite their lackluster reputation, YMYL sites do serve an important purpose. Many of them provide valuable information and are run by reputable businesses. It’s ultimately unfair that Google views them as somehow less than.

That being said, it’s up to you to prove your worth. By following the tips outlined above and keeping a close eye on how your rankings may change after an algorithm update, you can continue to add value for web visitors and help your site to be seen as valuable.