Kalyan Jewellers has announced the opening of a brand-new store in Dombivali, Mumbai. The store will be launched on August 29, 2022, by brand ambassadors Prabhu Ganesan and Pooja Sawant. 

This will be the jeweler’s 15th showroom in Maharashtra and it’s 160th worldwide. To support its development and make the brand more accessible to Maharashtra customers, the firm has continually expanded its brand reach and activities in the area.

To mark the store opening, the jewelry company is offering up to Rs 10,000 off every Rs 1 lakh worth of diamond jewelry purchases*. In addition, Kalyan Jewellers will provide an immediate discount of up to Rs 300 off per gram on manufacturing charges*, as well as an additional Rs 50 off per gram on Old Gold Exchange*. 

The gold price has been standardized throughout all Kalyan Jewellers showrooms in India with the introduction of the “Special Kalyan Gold Rate,” which is the lowest price on the market. In India, Kalyan Jewellers has stores where customers may take advantage of a wide variety of attractive offerings. The exclusive deals are available till September 30th, 2022.

“Since our debut in Mumbai, Kalyan Jewellers has been successful in establishing itself as the most preferred and most-trusted jewelry brand in the market,” said Ramesh Kalyanaraman, Executive Director, Kalyan Jewellers, of the new showroom launch. We have customized the product offering at each of our showrooms based on consumer preferences in different regions of the city, as part of a hyperlocal customer engagement strategy.

“Our jewelry designs have been extremely appreciated in the region, from our hyperlocal bridal jewelry line ‘Muhurat’ to the Maharashtrian traditional jewelry collection ‘Sankalp.’ We have made significant progress in bringing convenience to our customers over the years by providing a customized and service-backed buying experience. 

By increasing our brand’s presence and market share in Maharashtra, we hope to further reinforce the strong customer loyalty and brand recall we already have in the marketplace, according to Kalyanaraman.

All of the jewelry sold by Kalyan Jewellers is BIS hallmarked and has undergone numerous purity tests. Additionally, customers will receive the Kalyan Jewellers 4-Level Assurance Certificate, which ensures purity, free lifetime maintenance of jewelry, detailed product information, and open exchange and buy-back procedures. The accreditation is a part of the brand’s dedication to giving its customers the finest.

The store will also carry some of Kalyan’s well-known house brands, including Tejasvi, which specializes in Polki jewelry, Mudhra, which specializes in handcrafted antique jewelry, Nimah, which specializes in temple jewelry, Glo, which has dancing diamonds, Ziah, which features solitaire-like diamond jewelry, Anokhi, which features uncut diamonds, Apoorva, which features diamonds for special occasions, Antara, which features wedding diamonds.

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