Insurtech player Plum gives popular carol an insurance makeover

Insurtech player Plum

Bengaluru, December 21, 2022Plum, one of India’s leading providers of employee health insurance, has taken a unique approach to insurance marketing this holiday season. Caught by the carol bug, a few musically inclined Plum-bers (employees at Plum) gave the iconic ‘Jingle Bells’ song an insurance makeover.

Partnering with 2300+ corporates and addressing their holistic employee wellness needs, Plum has been driving inclusion in insurance. The insurance carol’s lyrics highlight Plum’s brand promise and how companies can benefit by partnering with Plum. Every aspect of the video (including lyrics, music, and sound mixing) were created in-house by fellow Plum-bers working across Customer Success, Sales, People Success and more.

Lyrics of the insurance carol.

Link to the carol

Insured through the year  
Coverage for family
Accidents, life, and more
Health, maternity

Teleconsults at a ring,
A yoga sesh tonight
What fun it is to experience
benefits that delight

Plum benefits, Plum benefits
Insured all the way 
Oh, what fun it is to have 
riders, nil copay

Plum benefits, Plum benefits
Secure; come what may
Oh, what fun it is to have 
Plum coverage today

Sasha Abraham, Head of Brand Marketing, Plum, said, “At Plum, we are always looking for innovative ways to make the subject of insurance interesting and simple for the country to consume, as it is a critical need for the society at large. This insurance carol is one such step in that direction.” She continues, “The insurtech industry is vast and deals with people’s lives; through this carol we wanted to raise awareness about how insurance makes a huge difference and secures a family,” Sasha explained.

The company is on track to accomplish its vision to insure 10 million lives by 2025.