How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages Without Getting Banned

How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages Without Getting Banned
How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages Without Getting Banned

To avoid getting banned, it is advisable to use official WhatsApp solutions such as WA Business or WA Broadcast Lists. These tools are designed specifically for business to communicate with customers in a secure, effective, and professional manner. They allow you to send bulk messages with personalized content and track performance metrics, giving you greater control over how your messages are sent. They also provide helpful features such as analytics, contact management, and automated replies.

To send bulk messages using WhatsApp Business, follow these simple steps;

  • Open the WhatsApp business app and go to chat tab
  • Select “broadcast list” and click on “create new list”
  • Did you know that sending bulk WhatsApp messages can be a great way to reach a large number of people quickly? However it is important to understand that you may get banned if you send too many messages or send them too frequently. So how do you go about sending bulk WhatsApp messages without getting banned? Let’s find out!
  • What Is WhatsApp Bulk?
  • WhatsApp bulk refers to sending large volumes of messages (usually more than one message) at once to a group or list of contacts. Bulk WhatsApp messaging is often used for marketing, promotions, and customer service purposes.
  • Tips To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages Without Getting Banned
  • Use Official WhatsApp Solutions
  • Enter the name of your broadcast lists and select contacts who will receive your messages
  • Type in your message, add a media file if you like, and click on send

Use an automated platform

Using automated platforms is also another way of sending bulk WhatsApp messages without getting banned. A good example of an automated platform is WhatsApp chrome extension. This platform allows you to send messages to a list of numbers without spamming. It also has features such as contact management, analytics, highlighting unread messages, and automated replies which make it easier for you to manage your contacts and track performance metrics. It also allows you to personalize your messages with names, images, and other content, enabling you to create a more engaging experience for recipients.

Obtain Consent From Users Before Sending Messages

It is essential to obtain consent form your customers before sending bulk messages. This is important because it ensures that the people you are sending your messages to have agreed to receive them and are not being spammed. It also reduces the chances of getting reported or banned as WhatsApp monitors reports from users who feel their privacy has been violated.

Avoid Sending Too Many Messages

WhatsApp limits the number of messages you can send per day, so it is important to avoid sending too many messages. Try to limit your bulk messaging campaigns to a few times a week or even per month, as sending too many messages can lead to your account being temporarily or permanently banned.

Follow WhatsApp’s Guidelines And Terms Of Service

WhatsApp has specific guidelines and terms of service that need to be followed when sending bulk messages. These include; not sending promotional messages without permission and avoiding the use of profanity or inappropriate language. It is important to adhere to these guidelines to avoid losing your account.

Monitor The Response Rate Of Your Messages

If you notice that your response rate is low or your messages are being ignored, it could be a sign that you are sending too many messages. Take time to monitor the response rate of your bulk WhatsApp messages and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Spamming is one of the major violations of WhatsApp’s terms of service and can lead to your account being temporarily or permanently banned. However, when done correctly, bulk messaging can be a great way to reach out to many people at once and stay in touch with your customers. By following the tips above, businesses will be able to effectively utilize WhatsApp as a tool for communication without worrying about bans or suspensions. Good luck!