6 Best Employer and Employee Practices that Promote Healthy Work-Life Balance

6 Best Employer and Employee Practices that Promote Healthy Work-Life Balance
6 Best Employer and Employee Practices that Promote Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has always been a problem, even way before the pandemic, however it is now increasingly becoming apparent since there are people working from home as well. Focusing on what needs to be prioritized is challenging for people who must juggle their home duties and work duties all while staying in the same place.

This results in exhaustion, burnouts, health problems, elevated stress levels, strained relationships, and sleep cycle disruptions. Maintaining work-life equilibrium requires the cooperation, assistance, and sympathy of the manager and the worker equally. Listed below are some ideas for how to make this happen.

Things Employers can do

Offering an environment where the workers do not feel compelled and restrained is among the most important virtues for an employer to remember when promoting a good harmony between work and life. The things they can do to offer this include:

1.      Acknowledging the Employees’ Personal Time and Regulating Obligations

Employees are advised to take a break to disconnect from work. They ought to leverage weekends, paid vacations, and other holidays as opportunities to relax, refuel, and spend meaningful time.

Employers should try to avoid reaching out to them during this period if at all possible. There however could be moments when it’s inevitably contingent upon the stressful situations some employees often have to deal with.

2.      A Versatile Work Schedule

Since they have little authority over their working hours, employees can become overwhelmed. Provide possibilities like a shortened workweek or flex time.

Employees won’t have to worry about attempting to fit everything into a strict work schedule because they will be able to handle their tasks from home and produce better results while working. An adaptable routine will, more crucially, enable the individual to spend quality time and may even increase their productivity at work.

3.      Offer “Safe Spaces” to Encourage Better Mental Health

Companies must foster an atmosphere where employees are treated fairly, without bias or judgment. Talk about your concerns with them in a considerate way while preserving their right to secrecy and privacy.

Help them understand and treat the causes of mental health problems that can prevent them from striking a balance between work and life. Give them access to tools that will help them deal with their problems.

Things Employees can do

While striving to excel at work is a good thing to practice, it can only be achieved if you work on yourself. Where choosing an optimal environment is yet another considerably stressful circumstance, there is no denying that anxiety can also peak during interviews, particularly if it is your first interview.

A little planning and practice however never hurts. While you may exactly not know what your employer will ask you, here is a list of stressful situations and the answers to them to help. Apart from opting a healthy environment here are the other things one can do as an employee to maintain sustainable work-life balances include:

1.      Work on Good Time Management

To-do lists and other management solutions can be created by employees to help them stay on top of their daily tasks. To concentrate on your task, limit disturbances as much as you can and establish boundaries when necessary.

Remember to make a commitment to quality time likewise. Take your planned breaks when working, get adequate sleep on the weekends, use your paid time off, and establish in the habit of saying “no” to work-related requests when you’re off.

2.      Establish Supportive Relationships

Encourage wholesome interactions both at work and home. You’ll get the encouragement you need to handle tough circumstances if you have someone to lean on when everything gets stressful.

Even if it takes time to progress, this will help you keep a healthy balance between work and life. There will be moments when you must choose between your family and your job, or vice versa. Having someone you can rely on to assist you in this situation is a smart idea.

3.      Exercise for Better Physical Health

Exercise is recommended among the workforce on a daily basis. This gives them the time to devote themselves to their psychological and physical health which helps with work-life balance.

Exercise aids in lowering blood pressure, increasing energy levels, enhancing the body’s immune system, reducing harmful fat deposits, and improving circulation and agility. It additionally prompts the body to release hormones that make you feel good, which can help you feel less stressed, depressed, and anxious.


The constant pressure to maintain the “perfect” balance between work and life could actually become a cause of stress. You’ll ultimately need to prefer one component over the other on certain days. Reduce the potential causes of recurrent work-life imbalance by finding solutions to keep things under control.