7 Factors to consider before scaling your business towards growth


Ok, right off the bat! Let’s not confuse scaling with growth.

Although scaling a business does pose a similar meaning; not without a fine line of significant differences. 

The biggest one- cost and revenue!

That is, while scaling a business means creating more revenue without affecting the quality of your work, or increasing the cost too much, growth simply means gaining more returns by adding more resources and investment.  

In a nutshell, scaling is just one particular type of growth. One that advocates maximum ROI as you can see. 

As tempting as it sounds though, getting it done is equally challenging especially for small businesses unless there’s an effective strategy in the place with a proper & continuous cash flow. 

And this is not the only crucial element that you need to consider before scaling up your business (the right way)! In fact, there are many others. Let’s see.

1. Planning is the first and foremost stage of any sort of business expansion. It’s where you’d set up goals by considering all the subtle changes and hurdles that may appear during a strategic scaling of your business.

For instance, handling more cash, sales & marketing, managing funding options like a capital loan for business, internal processes, workforce, management, and the very infrastructure of a company are some of the factors that you’ll need to work out during this phase.

The point is to come up with a growth plan that does not hamper the quality of your work, operations, or any ongoing processes.

2. Working Capital is the be-all and end-all of scaling up your business for rapid business growth. 

In fact, poor cash flow may very well be the biggest reason for the failure of small businesses. It’s the one factor that can pierce through every wall, window, and door of your business model from operations to sales to legal.

And this is why you need to be extra careful while managing your finances, turning to your investors, or even when you apply for a business working capital for different areas and business goals.  

3. Audience base is the very foundation on which a business grows and develops new products and services. 

For this, you need to first identify your target market and ideal customers. Once you’ve done that, you need to showcase and market your product well.

In order to do that, you need to understand your customers’ needs and shopping behaviors. There are many web analytics tools that you can use to get that insight such as Google Analytics and Google My Business.

Speaking of which!

4. Risk management includes all the challenges of implementing a strategic growth campaign. 

With growth comes many liabilities such as increased costs, equipment financing, employee wages, extra workload, as well as other resources that you will need to handle.

Scaling up a business also requires a deeper knowledge of the field, learning new skills, and implementing the latest tools and technologies to meet your ends.

You’ll also need to invest heavily in public relations and networking so as to get the most out of your scaling strategy.

The idea is to minimize the risks of collateral damage while striving for maximum output.

5. Data is yet another component of a successful scaling strategy that you cannot miss.

Hard data, big data, whatever you want to call it, the fact of the matter is that data analysis can give you a lot of insights and understanding into your customers’ interests, and market trends.

A data-driven approach can also help you avoid unnecessary risks and losses, and make well-informed decisions based purely on facts and statistics.

Most importantly, it tells you what’s working and what’s not.

6. Employees are your brand’s biggest ambassadors. Ones who are not only responsible for dealing with your customers on a day-to-day basis but also a reflection of the work environment.

So the more you invest in your employees, the better the productivity on any given day. 

At the same time, you need to watch out for any weak links or under-performers and lead them carefully for continuous development and growth.

Along with retaining your top performers, you should also seek to hire new talent on a regular basis which is a major problem these days.

7. Automation, outsourcing, and other technologies such as AI, virtual reality, and the like are all essential aspects of a smart business strategy.

By automating your operations, processes, and workflows, you can save ample time and resources that you can invest in other core activities. Outsourcing minor stuff can also help you focus on other key areas of your business expansion such as driving more sales and revenue. 

Plus, it’s a great way of optimizing your business for personalized customer interactions.

On the whole, scaling your business towards rapid growth revolves around a lot of factors but mainly depends upon proper planning, management, and working capital.