BBC StoryWorks roll out campaigns selected by UN


Recently BBC StoryWorks has launched two new campaigns around public health messages. The campaigns were built, in response to the invitation from the United Nations’ to extend a hand to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

The company submitted Two contents. And they were among the 17,000 entries submitted to the UN.

One is “Maintain distance. Maintain community” and the other one is “Kindness connects us. Pass it on”.

Both the campaigns were created in such a way that avoided traveling for filming and thereby following social distancing guidelines.

Maintain distance. Maintain community is an animation video that shows to help the respective communities by maintaining proper distance to stop the spread of COVID-19. The animation also shows the precautions that are needed to be followed for going out and coming home from an outing. It also shows that apart from maintaining social distance, keep connected to your people or community socially.

Kindness connects us. Pass it on. It is a video that exhibits user-generated content that spreads positivity. The video is made by inviting users at home to share examples of kindness across the globe.

The campaigns have brought together both the information of BBC StoryWorks’ groups across the globe and cities to create campaigns that surpass language and culture.

In the ongoing global pandemic, all that we require is social distancing and stay home, but then to connect socially among your peers to be there for each other.

Vice president of BBC StoryWorks America Krystal Bowden said that it is the most important moment for the creative team to find ways to frame and communicate crucial or vital messages to humankind across the globe. With the help of all the creative teams across the globe, it was easier to make this work possible.

Global head of UN SDG Strategy Hub Dawda Jobarteh said that they are engulfed by the immense response to the UN’s Open Brief and efforts of people taking to help each other during this hard time.

Both the campaigns will be run across the BBC’s global platform as well as on BBC StoryWorks’ social channels and on other broadcasts.