The animation industry in India to reach Rs 54 billion in 2014!


The animation industry in India is all set to blossom in the coming years. Reports by Pricewater Cooper’s suggest a growth of 23% in the next four years.  It is a well known fact that India is a major outsourcing destination for animation work around the world.  Animation industry now include  gaming, creative content making, interactive web and app designing, television ads and many more.

The reasons for this growth in the industry are many.

Increase in budgets allocated for animation movies on an average basis proves its rising demand in the entertainment sector.  Even in television, with the rise in the number of channels targeted at children, the need for animation material, especially cartoons, has increased a lot.

The main reason for the high demand of Indian workforce in animation is definitely the cost advantage. The Indian animators are much cheaper than US or Korean ones and highly skilled as well. Low cost of production is sure to drive the growth. Global outsourcing of the same is sure to rise.

The gaming market is also gaining a huge hold in India. The extensive animation required for the same is set to make it one of the top most growing segments within the animation industry. Games required for PC’s, internet, consoles and mobile phones have become huge business categories. The sales report of the gaming consoles like the Xbox and Playstation shows the extent to which gaming has become popular among all age groups. 3-D mobile games are predicted to be the future rage among youngsters. Many companies are now venturing into this field seeing the opportunity to earn high revenue.

How much visual aids help in teaching and education is known to all?. Using animation for the same is sure to click among students. A study by Deloitte and Assocham show that content development and education segments are also revenue generators in the animation field due to the corporate e-learning programmes. A steady rise of 11% is expected in this effect.

Reports predict that the animation industry would grow from Rs 18.5 billion in 2009 to Rs 54 billion by the year 2014. Certainly this is good news for those who are in animation industry or who aspire to be a part of this industry!