Case Study | India’s unemployment rate falls: Will it rise?

Migrant workers in India
Migrant workers in India

In September, India’s unemployment rate dropped steeply to 6.86% compared to 8.32% in August.

Additional jobs of 8.5 million were generated, in September, with the majority of them in rural India with construction operations climbing up the ladder, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) reported.

According to the CMIE, the generation of additional jobs boosted India’s employment rate to 37.87% in September compared to 37.15% in August.

Moreover, the employment rate in rural areas of India surged by 0.85% to 39.53% in September compared to 38.68% in August. On the other hand, in urban sections of India, the employment rate inclined to 34.62% against 34.15% in August.

The unemployment rate in rural India was lower than in urban India at 6.1% as against 8.6% in September.

CMIE stated in its weekly labor market report that among the 8.5 million additional employees in September, 76.5% of the entire employee population was from rural India. That is really high in the rural areas when the demand for labor from agriculture is relatively low.

They added that while agriculture gained an extra 0.55 million amid the month, the remaining six million were from the non-farm rural jobs, mainly construction and production.

The construction sector in the rural parts of India got the biggest gain of additional labor in September, with 7.5 million additional people getting jobs in the industry amid the month on the backdrop of stable investments in road building and probable incline in employment under the rural employment guarantee scheme, as per the CMIE.

Furthermore, in September, rural India witnessed a rise of 4.7 million in employment in manufacturing sectors. Out of this, jobs in food industries inclined by 2.16 million while metal industries witnessed a rise of 1.5 million jobs, and textiles peppered 0.2 million fresh jobs.

However, on the other hand, the services industry in rural India had a solid 6.8 million jobs, including retail operations, personal non-professional services, education, and travel and tourism.

According to the CMIE, the additional 6.5 million jobs in the rural areas in September dropped the number of unemployed in rural areas by 4.6 million to a whopping 18.1 million in the same month as against 22.7 million before.

CMIE also added that most of the fresh jobs generated in rural areas were daily wage employees.

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