Sale on ‘Boards’ with Pinterest!


Has anyone thought beyond FACEBOOK and TWITTER? Or displaying items for sale on a ‘virtual’ board? Yup!! That’s right, we do have something beyond FB and Twitter and it’s definitely the new sales medium; PINTEREST!!

To all those who were unaware about this new social medium, Pinterest is basically a virtual online board where you “pin” things up, from recipes to nail art. The website allows you to search through different categories from Animals to Science and Nature, Architecture to Design, Celebrities to Quotes or under “EVERYTHING”, where the pinners have posted. As any regular website of a Company, the price category which is available has made things easier. The website of Pinterest resembles more over like a white board with an assortment of items, information and ideas. As a social media tool, the site also offers the ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ and the ‘Repin’ options, thus allowing similar and better items to widen the board.

Their prospect as a sales medium focuses and regards ‘Customer is King’. This is relevant from its boards which are so creative, organized and attractive keeping in mind what the customer is likely to look for, what appeals to him/her.

The pinners however, need to keep a few things in mind in order to sell well at Pinterest:

1)    Through the customer’s eyes – Create a well organized board of your brand or product in ways the customer would love to see it. In this way, you can win the attention for most of the unpopular brands or products. Ultimately it’s all about the image you create!

2)    NO BORED CUSTOMERS ON BOARD! -This is something you need to fear on Pinterest. The Pinboard created should be of the customer interests as mentioned earlier. Pinning anything and everything may not seem right. Thousands of pins can be made on board but each needs to be unique along with their respective links.

3)    Follow up with the followers- As a social media tool; you cannot afford not to socialize with the users or viewers. But this may seem rather difficult here on Pinterest, than on other social networks, since the pinners or users only design and organize their Pinboard with little or no social networking. One way out of this is by encouraging cross-posts where the users are encouraged to tweet or make a post in FB.

4)    Pin what you think – Pinterest is also a platform where blogs are created, articles are written and information is shared. The network allows you to pin things written by you that might interest the readers and other pinners.

5)    How to use your board – The success of your board depends entirely on how well the items, ideas or information are showcased and organized. The pin board can be split or broken as per “like to please” and attract the customers towards the brand or product. This calls for an orderly and organized Pinboard.

So well, now you know it. Thinking of selling at Pinterest? Hope Pinterest really pins your interest way up its board. Happy Sales!