Get ready for PepsiCo Tropicana in powder format


Dec 19, 2012: PepsiCo is planning for some very aggressive moves in the powder concentrate market which is estimated to be over Rs. 600 crore. They are going to launch one of their highest selling Tropicana in powder format and by this move they plan to directly take on the major players Tang of Cadbury-Kraft and Rasna.

Rasna is the market leader in the powder concentrate market and it has a market share of over 80%. Tropicana has been doing really well in the Indian market and with this move PepsiCo is trying to capitalise on the market which is growing faster now. This is not the first time PepsiCo is coming out with a powder format of a highly successful drink. In 2010, PepsiCo has come out with the powder concentrate of their sports drink Gatorade, Gatorade Sports Mix.