Mozilla announces new operating system for mobile phones and tablet computers


Feb 26, 2013: Firefox at the Mobile World Congress being held in Barcelano announced a new operating system exclusively for mobile phones and tablet computers. The new operating system from Firefox will be unveiled in July this year and will be taking on Google Android, Apple iOS, Windows and BlackBerry 10 OS. The company has announced tie up with 18 mobile operators across the world and has tied up with device manufacturers like LG, Alcatel, Huawei etc.

New look Firefox OS will be launched globally and it will first be launched with Telefonica, Spanish cellular service provider and America Movil SAB. Mozilla has unveiled new operating system (OS) to take on Google, Apple and others. Industry experts feel that with Firefox coming out with a new OS, the OS industry is all set to witness a heavy competition in the days to come and it will become all the more interesting since Firefox draws its strength from collaboration among the whole system which includes users, device makers, operators etc.

Though Firefox OS which will be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipset will be unveiled in July, the company is said to be facing its own set of problems. According to experts, the OS had shown bugs in the computer program in its ‘Beta’ version and this issue needs to be fixed before the original OS is introduced in the market. It needs to be seen an OS like this which is developed on a collaborative platform, how it takes on mainly the dominance of Google’s Android which has nearly 75 per cent market share.