Apple Wins Patent for AR/VR Headset


Apple Inc. gets a new patent from The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office after publishing a series of new products in the Virtual Reality Zone. A potential reality headset with a Dynamic Focus 3 Dimensional Display. Conventionally Virtual Reality systems use two different images, left and right respectively onto a single screen viewed by the subject. Apple employs an enhanced direct retinal projector system that scans pixel by pixel, images onto the subject’s retinas.

The human brain uses accommodation (i.e eye focus) and eye convergence (difference in perspective between two eyes). Conventional Virtual Reality systems like DLP (Digital Light Processing), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), and LCoS (Liquid Crustal on Silicon) is nearer to the eye. These systems always use two separate screens for each eye to project images. They also use optics to enhance the focus system.

Studies already proved the accommodation-convergence mismatch disability of a conventional VR system caused eyestrain, headaches, and nausea.  Accommodation-convergence mismatch is caused due to a kind of confusion caused to the brain of the user by not generating a clear content depth compatibility. For instance, a stereoscopic image can trick the user by focusing on a far distance whereas an image is physically displayed closer. Human eyes do an attempt to focus on an extra image plain with a focal depth that is identical to the projected image, thus creating eyestrain and increased mental strength. Accommodation-convergence mismatches can distract the enjoyment and tolerance levels of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality surroundings. Apple’s discoveries can be an effective solution to overcome this particular issue. Various techniques with dynamic focus components help in finding an effective solution for the accommodation-convergence mismatch. This allowed the content plain (objects and surfaces) to appear at various depths in a scene exactly with the same projection depths into the subject’s retinas.

Apple’s patent 10, 681, 328 was filed back in 2019 and was published by US patent and Trademark office recently. Alexander Xhpunt, Apple’s inventor, the architect says that acquisition Israel PrimeSense was the inventing force behind Apple’s TrueDepth camera. This gives more credibility and the likelihood of its new inventions that are coming to the market.