DSP Mutual Fund launches ‘Lets Index’ OOH campaign

DSP Mutual Fund launches ‘Lets Index’ OOH campaign
DSP Mutual Fund launches ‘Lets Index’ OOH campaign

Next stage of DSP’s educational awareness campaign on Index Funds

Mumbai, March 10, 2023: DSP Mutual Fund has launched #LetsIndex, its new Out Of Home campaign #LetsIndex aiming to build awareness for Index Funds. The campaign urges investors to start investing in Index Funds because they are simple, low-cost funds that aim to mirror different indices. 

Index Funds have seen a massive rise in popularity, seeing a growth in AUM of more than 100% each year since the last few years. Investors and MFDs across India are appreciating the many virtues of Index Funds and recognizing how they can complement active funds in investor portfolios, thereby contributing to their growth.  

DSP Mutual Fund’s #LetsIndex OOH campaign is running across 17 cities across India, including the top metros via 1000+ touchpoints. This 3-week campaign includes Billboards, Bus Shelters, Digital Billboards, Transit media and more.

The OOH campaign is also being supplemented with digital media to build further awareness and drive interested investors to learn about index funds on dspim.com/LetsIndex

This initiative continues DSP’s ongoing efforts to build focus on Index Funds and passive investing in general, adding strength to their content library on their YouTube channel as well as their blog.
Abhik Sanyal, SVP & Head-Consumer Marketing, DSP Investment Managers said, “The simplest answers to difficult questions are often the right ones, as Occam’s Razor postulates. Index Funds seem almost boring in comparison to other categories of mutual funds, ones that generally grab more attention due to their raging but momentary outperformance or underperformance. At DSP, we believe this is exactly why Index Funds should find flavour in every investor’s portfolio, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor. They keep things simple, operate unemotionally & without biases and offer the low-cost advantage to investors. Our creative challenge while planning this OOH campaign was to condense the many advantages of index funds into DSP’s OOH lexicon – short, crisp, hard-hitting. I believe our creatives deliver on this front.”