How have AI, Data Analytics and IoT helped to fight the Pandemic?


When the COVID-19 began, people didn’t know how to react to the situation, yet all the governments took necessary steps to fight against it. Major changes were done in the field of digitalization as the prime motto was to reduce human labor. 

Data and ideas need to be integrated and cross-checked so data analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and IoT are the main players which helped the Government to succeed. Quarantining and contact tracing are the main tactics used by all the governments in the world. In fact, China succeeded to reduce the death rate.

Digital analysis and tools used by China

Alibaba and Tencent firms made Hospital consultation and treatments using online media applications which help the Healthcare system. QR code was used to track the patient’s history.

Hospitals in Beijing were able to provide help to doctors in Wuhan using high definition medical images. IoT helps to increase the production of the mask, PPE kits, disinfectants. Local and domestic products were increased to help control the need of the country. When Wuhan was the initial point from where the spread started, it was not easy for other nations to resist the pandemic because of the lack of information or the late information that the Chinese government gave. All the nations were given an alarm by late December and in march WHO had declared this to be a pandemic and resultantly, many nations including India began announcing lockdown. But the Chinese government began using Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis tools which helped them to decrease their death rate and the many public places were even opened by late April itself. The technology that they adopted was effective but many developed nations such as the United States were lacking behind.

Other Nation’s approach towards the Pandemic:

AI technology has helped to screen and monitor the patients coming from abroad and classify them according to clinical records. It further helped to control the workforce based on the number and their health conditions. Proximity sensors were used in public infrastructure for social distancing as well as to catch the offenders. Biosensors were used in malls, schools and colleges, and various other infrastructure facilities. The artificial intelligence-driven service bots help in thermal scanning. This scanning helps the initial confirmation of a fever or any other likely symptoms ina a person. In fact, now each and every major public place has one of them along with the use of sanitizers also. It was reported that while many potential patients tried to migrate back to their homeland these thermal scannings were the only thing that was used for but later it was found that the result was not effective as many patients showed symptoms later on and some even migrated back to their countries and were the root cause of the spread there. But the IoT platform has helped to control the spread in the community as this was not the case during the Spanish flu and older times. Many nations have overcome this and we can see that the use of this technology has clearly been pivotal for them. New Zealand has been declared COVID free now, majorly after a successful 100-day timeline and they had also adopted various digital tools.

Many parts of the country are already equipped with biosensors but ultimately it is will power, that will help the countries and the people to fight and win over the pandemic.