India’s protein craze now hits chocolates, chips, sodas and more


Granola bars and weight loss products often use protein as a selling point, but what about potato chip packages? chocolate chip cookies? How about a candy bar?
That may sound too good, but it is. There are now many companies that make products that claim to be healthy, advertise protein amounts, fiber, nutrients, etc., and advertise with a specific focus on the protein aspect.

Examples of these products include RiteBite Chocolate Chip Cookies, Yogabar Protein-Fortified Cereal, Raw Pressery Cold Coffee and Chocolate Protein Shake, Amul Protein-Fortified Buttermilk, The Whole Truth Foods Protein-Fortified Peanut Butter, and more. People want to consume more protein. Benefits include weight loss, appetite control, reduced cravings, increased strength, reduced fatigue, lower blood pressure, and increased metabolism. I used to track my protein intake, but that area is changing now. You should be consuming the equivalent grams of protein for every pound of body weight. For example, a 50kg person should consume 50g of protein per day. But it’s not that simple.

Ronita Mitra, founder and chief strategist at
Brand Eagle Consulting, acknowledges that packaged foods and snacks that contribute to a person’s daily protein intake represent a market gap that needs to be filled. Ronita Mitra
“Foods with protein as a nutrient do not require much education and will appeal to all segments of the audience, from housewives concerned about the health of their families, to young professional couples and teenagers on the go.” 

“It fits all dietary supplements and has benefits for such products,” explains Mitra. He Shashank Mehta, CEO and founder of the Whole Truth Foods, explains that Indians, especially vegetarian Indians, struggle to get enough protein from their diet.

He cites a research study that found that 80% of Indians are protein deficient. This suggests that even wealthy Indians struggle to get enough protein from their diet. Added to the category consumed for other reasons, such as potato chips and cookies, a protein market was created. Before judging positive, neutral, or negative dietary options, you have to look at the macro balance, the amount of sugar, salt, fat, artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives, etc.,” he explains.

Other Protein Products in India
Mitra agreed, saying the veracity of the claims helps build consumer confidence in consuming life-changing amounts of nutrients. Sexuality is also a gradual step to make consumers aware of the benefits of food. B. The percentage of his RDA provided by protein in the diet,” he said. Gain When it comes to increasing protein intake, the role the pandemic has played in changing behavior cannot be ignored.

I’m trying Mehta adds that this recognition means that packaged foods containing protein are becoming increasingly important to consumers.

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