Kneron to launch its new AI-Block Chain platform


Kneron is a leading artificial intelligence company founded in the US in 2015. It mainly focuses on offering AI solutions to its customers. Recently they launched a new platform called KNEO. One main issue what most internet users are facing today is the privacy of their data and personal information. Kneron has created this platform keeping in mind the importance of digital assets. KNEO creates private and secure personal networks by combining edge AI devices with blockchain technology. This neural network can also create digital assets from your data.

The way KNEO works is quite interesting, they connect blockchain technology and several edge AI sensors or stems like cameras, microphones, etc. These stems will be connected and controlled by a central app thereby enhancing the capabilities. Another advantage is that KNEO works without an internet connection and they even process their algorithms locally rather than sending it to some other place for processing.

Kneron has also created a marketplace on Google and Ios this helps to connect consumers to different corporations who are looking for digital assets. If interested these consumers can sell their digital assets to these corporations. The data will a collected for about one year and in exchange for these data collected the people selling these data could get discounts may it be the automobile, insurance, etc. The main people who will be interested in this type of data will be market researchers, advertisers, and other brands. As we know the importance of digital assets has increased very high in this decade. These users of KNEO can leverage this market of digital assets.

This combination of two techniques that is AI and block chain can be seen as one of the most innovative approaches. Even other developers can use this technique to create a safer usage of your digital assets. Various other solutions that Kneron offers and that can find applications in your life include Artificial intelligence on-chip, KNEO steps, and deep learning for education institutions. Kneron already has tie-ups with various universities in the United States, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.