Success mantra of digital Analytics


The world we are living in is undeniably the new multi-screen age. Our daily interactions with technology and our expectations from it have increased dramatically. While with the rapid pace of innovation in every domain keeps the competition heated up, it also becomes imperative to rise up with creative and competent ideas every now and then.

With the data explosion everywhere, analyzing that data, making business decisions on it or deciding what to do to know your customer base and connect with them can be overwhelming. You need the right technology, people and processes to stay in tune with your customers, take precise business decisions and to make sure you always have better results on your data- is where digital analytics come into existence.

Data driven on your website can be qualitative and quantitative. Talking about quantitative, it tells about things like- the size of your audience, your locations, what people do when they visit your website, or be it the performance of your online marketing drive. But when it comes to qualitative data, it’s about reasons, the why’s. It’s more about the feedback that you collect from your website users.

In totality, Digital analytics is the analysis of both these data’s’ from your businesses and competition to improve your user-experience online in a continuous manner which will further translate to your profitability and strong customer base.

The next part of this article will take you through the breakthroughs you’ll discover while considering digital analytics for your businesses:

Measure your content– To carry out continuous improvement; the step one is to understand your data- quantitative as well as qualitative-for your business and competition. These can be the things such as how many people are completing the customer journey, where along the journey are you losing your customers, or similar Who, What, How and Why- people visit your web pages etc.- that will eventually answer your business questions. It is easy to receive resourceful information on your web property; you’ll just have to add analytics to your web pages and make necessary settings. Content marketing and measurement is essential.

Know your Customers well and obsess about your outcomes– for a successful web site, customer retention is crucial and you are to be active all the time and everywhere. The key to measure across all the situations is to measure the relevant touch-points and connect the dots between your consumer moments through multiple channels and devices.

Apart from relying on the on-clicks data and the bounce rates of your website, focus on active measurement, which is, focusing on real human behavior and influences and using them as signals to create winning experiences for your brand. This will proactively help you plan ahead and optimize your output.

Be Practical– while knowing some figures give you an uppperhand at lying ahead in the competition, yet it’s important to know that achieving a cent percent perfection is a un-meet-able goal.  Improvement is an active and on-going process. So access your data, exploit it, analyze it and make the best out of it. Well ‘best’ as in your definition for ‘best’ because there will always be over-achievers in the world.