This International Women’s Day, AbhiBus launches new campaigns to celebrate the power of women

This International Women’s Day, AbhiBus launches new campaigns to celebrate the power of women
This International Women’s Day, AbhiBus launches new campaigns to celebrate the power of women

7th March 2023, Hyderabad/New Delhi: AbhiBus, India’s highest rated bus booking app is celebrating International Women’s Day by celebrating the power of women throughout the entire month of March. As a company, AbhiBus recognizes the unique challenges that women face while traveling and strives to create a safe and enjoyable experience for them.

In line with AbhiBus’s commitment to support women, the brand has launched two campaigns this month. The first campaign titled “Mar-ch-velous Women” is offering jewellery vouchers worth Rs 3 lakhs to lucky women travelers using the coupon code ‘WOMEN’ (conditions applied).

AbhiBus has also witnessed a rise in women travel groups recently where women travellers are getting together in large groups to explore unique destinations and travel experiences. All girl getaways are becoming the norm, especially amongst millennial women who are increasingly opting for leisure & wellness breaks, shopping getaways and adventure trips. To encourage this trend, AbhiBus is also offering a Flat Rs.1000 discount on all girls’ group bookings of three or more female-only passengers.

Rohit Sharma, COO, AbhiBus says“At AbhiBus, we believe that traveling is an experience that should be enjoyed and cherished by all. We are committed to providing a safe and comfortable journey for all our customers, especially women who face a lot of challenges while traveling. For example, on the AbhiBus app, we offer the ‘Pink Seat’ feature which marks a seat pink if a female traveller has booked it, which means no male stranger can book the seat next to it. Through these initiatives, we want to encourage all women to fulfill their travel wish list, and experience the joy of travel with their friends and family.”