71% employees believe that discrimination and partiality by reporting managers create workplace toxicity reveals a survey conducted by Genius Consultants Limited

71% employees believe that discrimination and partiality by reporting managers create workplace toxicity reveals a survey conducted by Genius Consultants Limited
71% employees believe that discrimination and partiality by reporting managers create workplace toxicity reveals a survey conducted by Genius Consultants Limited

~ The survey analyses the feedback of 1531 participants ~

National, 3rd October 2023: A comprehensive survey conducted by Genius Consultants Limited reveals that workplace toxicity remains a pressing concern for employees across various industries. The survey sheds light on the critical factors contributing to toxic work culture and highlights the need for effective solutions.

An alarming 71% respondents expressed their belief that the practice of discrimination and partiality by reporting managers is the primary source of toxicity within organizations. This staggering statistic underscores the urgent need for fair and equitable treatment of employees across all levels. While 13% of respondents attributed toxicity to managerial tyranny and ill behaviour, this figure still represents a significant portion of the workforce. Addressing this concern could lead to improved manager-employee relationships and a healthier work environment.

88% of participants identified “Toxic Work Culture” as a major factor contributing to high attrition rates within organizations. The direct link between employee retention and the establishment of a positive work culture cannot be ignored. Conversely, only 3% of employees do not share this perspective.

Notably, 91% of respondents believe that a higher salary could mitigate the impact of a toxic work culture. This suggests that while monetary compensation is not a panacea, it can play a role in offsetting the negative effects. However, a small minority, comprising of only 2% of the participants, hold a different view on this matter.

A resounding 94% of participants stated their willingness to speak up against senior personnel or reporting managers who propagate toxicity within the workplace. This demonstrates a strong commitment to fostering a healthier work environment. But 4% of respondents indicated that they would refrain from raising their voice against seniors/reporting managers. 

A substantial 92% of respondents recognize the pivotal role of Human Resources (HR) in monitoring and controlling issues related to toxic work culture. This highlights the importance of HR departments taking proactive measures to address concerns and create positive change. While the majority acknowledges the vital role that HR plays in fostering a positive and healthy workplace environment, 3% respondents feel other factors or departments hold greater responsibility for mitigating toxic work culture. 

While 88% of respondents believe in exposing individuals who spread toxicity on social media, 7% suggested seeking help from HR for resolution. This divergence in opinion reflects the varied strategies employees consider in combating toxic work culture.

Commenting on the same, Mr. R.P Yadav, Chairman and Managing Director, Genius Consultants Limited stated, “The results of this survey serve as a wake-up call to the challenges that persist within workplaces today. Organisations need to be committed to addressing these concerns and fostering a culture where every employee feels valued, heard, and empowered. By harnessing the collective energy and dedication of our workforce, we can redefine the standard for workplace culture and lead the way toward a more inclusive and fulfilling professional journey.”

By addressing the concerns raised in this survey, organisations should aim to create a workplace where all employees can thrive.