Uber Vouchers For Rides And Meals


Uber Technologies, Inc., is an American company. The company provides services like food delivery, vehicles for hire, package delivery, etc.  A voucher program is updated by Uber Technologies to let businesses put their branding on electronic certificates. This can be given to the customers and employees for discounts on rides and meals. The voucher can be distributed directly by Uber for Business unit on behalf of a business directly. This update creates businesses a connection with the customers as the voucher shows the company logo. This initiative will save time for several businesses with added advantage of distributing the vouchers to their targeted customers. Uber for Business also manages the data for the company’s voucher offer.

This voucher can be given to people who have completed a survey, attended meetings, webinars etc. This will create loyal customers and make their customers happy. This will also increase the membership of the firm.

There are different varieties of offers been given such as an extra meal, offer rides. This will capture the food and travel market at a single stroke. According to a survey by Harvard Business Review about two-thirds (65%) of businesses use loyalty program to attract new customers.

Uber company is trying to face negative side of the pandemic with a strong and attractive change. Uber services belongs to the category which were most affected during the Covid-19. Both the ride as well as food delivery is been affected. The phase of it being recovering is also slow because people are afraid of the spread and hygiene.  This voucher program is an incremental revenue for the company.

The main aim of the company is to attract customers through various offers and bring back their services normal. These offers will boost company’s performance. The company has diversified its services and started a new service of grocery delivery. Through this voucher program, their bussing venture is also being promoted and this will increase the capture of the market.