DKMS-BMST launches awareness campaign #WeAreAllWeNeed


The non-profit organization, DKMS BMST Foundation India rolled out its cancer awareness campaign #WeAreAllWeNeed. The digital campaign aims to urge people to come forward to register as potential blood stem cell donors and to create awareness on blood cancer, as part of World Blood Cancer Day which is observed on May 28th.

DKMS BMST Foundation is an Indian non-profit organization that is dedicated to fight against blood disorders like aplastic anemia, thalassemia, and blood cancer. The organization aims to provide blood stem cell transplants to patients and give them a second chance in life. The DKMS-BMST Foundation strives to help and improve the situation of patients who are suffering from blood disorders and blood cancer in India. The foundation aims to create awareness among people and encourage them to register as potential blood stem cell donors to help save the life of blood cancer patients.

The #WeAreAllWeNeed campaign features many celebrities and influencers from all across the county, spreading awareness on how something simple as a cheek swab can help to save the life of a patient who is suffering from blood cancer and needs a stem cell transplant. The campaign aims to highlight the fact how Indian patients face an issue to find stem cell donors as they are underrepresented in the stem cell registry. The DKMS-BMST Foundation hopes to overcome this problem through its new digital campaign. Some of the renowned celebrities and influencers who are a part of the campaign are Farhan Qureshi, Rishab Rana, Harsha Bhogle, and Shreya Jain.

The CEO of DKMS BMST Foundation India, Patrick Paul, commented that “Delay in finding a matching donor for a patient can be very much fatal and the #WeAreAllWeNeed campaign aims to raise awareness on this issue and encourage people to register as potential donors”. The campaign aims to spread awareness among people to help fight the battle against blood cancer and blood disorders. The celebrities and influencers who are part of the campaign would post pictures and videos with the red ampersand sign “&”, the official symbol for World Blood Cancer Day.

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