AI hiring machines- a discrimination challenge?


The fight against discrimination has been persistent for years, may it be cultural, social, or racial. Leaders like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar represented the Dalits, Martin Luther King fought for civil rights and the on-going protest in America against racial discrimination. The harsh reality of being judged has and will always exist. However, in modern society discriminatory threats are being posed by technology. Through the advancements over the years, technology has been beneficial to humankind but looking at the brutal side we can understand how much of threat it can pose.

The workplace has been one of the major places where discriminations occur. Today, this discrimination is caused by the AI hiring system. AI machines are fed data that can change and reform; if not monitored well, the subsequent results can be fatal. Let’s talk about what exactly of a threat does the AI hiring system pose. AI hiring systems are built on the strong belief that the decision or outcome will remain unbiased unless the data fed is biased. These new-tech hiring machines use algorithmic hiring tools that determine whether a person is qualified or not. A source from Urban Wire shows a man who is well-qualified for any job suffers from unemployment because the AI hiring system shows he has bipolar disorder. New tech-driven tools initiate policymaking and worker surveillance that has brought disruption to the traditional employer-employee relationship.

Amazon’s sexist AI hiring machine was a controversial topic. The so-called “unbiased” tool had the system of eliminating those entire resumes that had ‘women’ in it and hired mainly male candidates that favored certain words like ‘executed’ or ‘captured’. The biased data stored into the unbiased machine created failure in the hiring system because the program was fed with the data of resumes showing a 10-year period submitted to Amazon that had the majority of its candidates as males. The bot automatically assumed the best hiring category to be men and downgraded women eliminating even the strongest candidates.

How can we change this trend? How can we utilize AI as an unbiased form of the machine? It’s simple.

  • We gather resumes from potential areas that provide necessary information to the machine to decipher and make impartial decisions.
  • Gather and organize eligible resumes.
  • Analyzing ads’ engagement and helping recruiters make better and more efficient hiring campaigns.
  • By analyzing the performance of new recruits an AI can evaluate if the recruiters are making the right choices.
  • By analyzing market trends an AI can help the recruiters figure out when the company will need new recruits.

AI is a strong tool if utilized wisely. Unbiased decisions can make working more efficient and effective.