BurstIQ launches Full Developer Toolset for Blockchain- Enabled Apps


BurstIQ, the market leader of blockchain-enabled secure data exchange services, announced the full release of the Burst Chain User Interface Software Developer Kit, which is a set of key accelerator tools that helps the application developers to quickly deploy blockchain-enabled web applications and services on the BurstIQ Platform. The Burst Chain user interface software developer kit consists of various tools developed to cut short and accelerate the app development and deployment process.

 The npm module version of the software developer kit, unveiled in June, included modules that enable faster configuration and deployment of key application functionalities, including user administration and access controls, user preferences, analytics visualization, and a dashboard builder. The complete version of the user interface software developer kit adds two latest npm modules: consent contract creator and dictionary editor.

These two new modules cut short the process of creating consents and data dictionaries, allowing these critical components to be managed by business analysts, researchers, and system administrators without the need for specialized software development skills. All these modules are developed for flawless integration with BurstIQ’s blockchain-based data exchange network, Burst Chain. Also, the User Interface Software Developer Kit presently consists of application starter kits in both JavaScript and Python, as well as a Java Script starter kit for BurstIQ’s custom analytics application, AdaptiveIQ. All three application starter kits are accessible under the Apache-v2 open source license.

The Burst Chain User Interface Software Developer Kit joins a family of services that BurstIQ provides to aid businesses rapidly deploy apps and services for safe and compliant data sharing across complex workflows and networks. These BurstIQ services consist of integrated rules engines to regulate data consent and orchestration, digital front door and sandbox services, data governance, and flexible schemes.

All of these are built on BurstIQ blockchain-enabled HIPAA and GDPR-compliant data exchange network. New policies are coming up globally that are commanding things like granular data ownership, dynamic consent, interoperability, and secure data sharing. Businesses should adapt quickly and integrate new data governance models into their systems and services. The BurstIQ toolbox is developed to aid their partners to do that.