Qualcomm’s develops new Cloud AI 100 Chipset’s ML Development Kit


Qualcomm recently released the Cloud AI 100 edge AI development kit and revealed the shipping of inference accelerators to select global customers. The purpose of the simplicity of these items is to encourage everyone to enjoy the advantages of AI efficiency. 

According to the blog post, these products use relatively little resources and offer a substantial increase in efficiency for businesses that are hyperscalar in nature and aim to improve their applications in the area of artificial intelligence. 

John Kehrli, Senior Director, Product Management at Qualcomm Technologies said that today marks a significant development, as the Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 inference accelerator is experimenting with many customers and is expected to reinvent the future of data centers, 5G edge appliances, and 5G networks.

Last year in April, the pioneering innovator in wireless technology unveiled the Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 chipset to satisfy the booming demand for cloud-based AI inference processing. The Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 uses advanced signal processing and power performance. 

Behind the Development Kit & Accelerator 

The Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 Edge AI Development Kit, a 5G edge box, provides all that developers and customers need to create their latest end-to-end AI solutions.

The developer kit is believed to create 5 G edge boxes that would transform retail and industrial environments, among other industries. For example, in the sense of manufacturing, where protection is a primary concern, the Qualcomm Cloud AI 100-enabled edge box will recognize several persons and items concurrently and confirm that protective equipment is worn at all times. 

In addition to the Cloud AI inference accelerator, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Modular Platform and the Snapdragon X55 Modem-RF both support the software package, allowing good use of Qualcomm Technologies’ data processing and 5G networking offerings. It also offers support for numerous common libraries, including Pytorch, Glow, Tensorflow, and Keras, among others. 

The Cloud AI 100 Edge Development Kit is believed to offer groundbreaking AI and video processing efficiency by offering features such as advanced low-power and high-speed 5G networking. This means that the package would help encourage the implementation of edge applications by providing a full device solution for AI streaming up to 24 simultaneous 1080p video streams along with 5 G connectivity.

The Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 edge creation kit is an integrated device solution providing high-performance AI comprehension, video processing, and 5 G networking. The kit is powered by three Qualcomm modular components: 

  • Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 offers low-power and high-performance AI inference analysis. 
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Modular interface for data and video processing. 
  • Snapdragon X55 ModemRF Device Package helps handle 5G networking in a pre-certified package providing worldwide carrier service.


According to Kehrli, the Qualcomm Cloud AI Inference Accelerator is accessible as standalone software in three form factors, namely DM.2e, DM.2, and PCI-e / HHHL. These accelerators would provide the consumer with versatility in the configuration of the server and equipment with efficiency and power considerations.