Railways deploying AI and data analytics


The Indian railway is ready to travel with AI and data analytics to advance its efficiency to work. The Indian School of Business in Hyderabad has been given to put together a report on the economic practices of AI on rail transport and benchmarking and to plan a preparatory facility building program. Mr. V K Yadav, Railway Board Chairman said that the railways expect to line up a Centre for Excellence during this period of three months.

A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is going to be appointed in every zonal railway, whose consent is going to be to track every emerging technology in analytics like AI, machine learning, data science, etc. and use it within the rail system for better operational efficiency. Over the last two months, the railway has already trained 88 officials for this sole purpose. this type of coaching is going to be given for the recognized officials in every zone also as division. The above-mentioned training modules comprise cloud computing, big data analytics, data science, AI using reinforcement learning, and AI for autonomous vehicles.

Other than the CTO in zonal headquarters, the railway has also planned to possess an assistant chief technology officer (ACTO) to assist. The CTO and ACTO in the divisions directly report to the general Manager and Divisional Railway Managers respectively. It’s reported that for training in data analytics and AI, around six to ten officials in divisions and about 20 officers in zonal headquarters are going to be identified. They’re going to be officially trained in institutes like IITs, ISB, IIMs, IIIT within the 2 subjects that which are Data Analytics and AI.

Data like passenger-related data, trains operation-related data, freight data, and asset-related data. Passenger Reservation System (PRS), the introduction of the latest trains, and even predictive asset maintenance would be possible after analyzing all the available data with the help of AI and analytics.

The railway is additionally trying to develop data-sharing protocols with the CRIS (Centre for Railway Information Systems), RailTel which is why they need to join with the Indian School of Business (ISB). It’ll also extend a report on establishing the middle for excellence also as a complicated capacity building program.