Sony BBC Earth unveils new property ‘Secrets Revealed’


Human beings are curious! They have found many ways to communicate with other creatures across the globe and even tackled numerous expeditions to explore space. Yet, there’s still so much left to discover. Some are as fundamental as questions about how a human body works and about life.  

Answers to many of these can be found in Sony BBC Earth’s property titled ‘Secrets Revealed’. It is a collection of anthology episodes of secrets revealing interesting facts and the astonishing science behind everything from the secret life of babies to the truth about the things we use in our daily lives.  

The secret life of Babies  

Ever wondered how a newborn baby perceives the world? and many others like these. There are many questions to which we don’t have an answer. It is because the first few years of human life are crucial as it is the time when the child learns many things. However, as an adult, baby behavior is both confusing and fascinating. This show will give you answers to a few at least. 

The secret life of Twins  

Identical twins are interesting to see. They share the same DNA and grow up with striking similarities and staggering differences. It is interesting to see identical children grow up to be entirely different individuals. The show takes you through some of these extraordinary stories that spotlight not only what it means to be a twin, but also what it means to be human.  

Exploring the science behind everything from belly flops to black holes with delightfully simple demonstrations often takes our imagination on a different level altogether.  

The secret life of Growing Up  

Humans evolve from children to adults through stories of strength and reinvention. Growing up is the most dramatic process for humans. We are the only species that requires ‘teenage’ to adapt to the dramatic changes in our bodies and brains. The human body is complex to be understood easily. It is a scientific phenomenon, and much about it is still unrecognized. The fascinating and finely tuned systems keep the human body moving, and scientists are still guessing the reasons for many. 

There are many more secrets to be revealed that you would want to know not just about humans but also about your pets. So, Tune in to ‘Secrets Revealed’ only on Sony BBC Earth from July 13th, 2022, from 8 pm to 9 pm. 

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