Digital PR plays a pivotal role in bringing positive brand


In the past ten years, PR has changed significantly, notably with the rise of social media and the quick transition to digital, particularly during the pandemic years. In addition to the industry’s ongoing struggles, clients’ expectations have grown, and digital and online reputation management are receiving greater attention.

 The business environment has experienced a significant transformation, and the times have forced a shift in strategy. Nidhi Verma, Senior Vice President, PR & Communication, Acko, discusses the rise of PR as a crucial corporate function, developing effective messages and strategies that appeal to all stakeholders, and more in an interview with Adgully. You have experienced the business from all angles.

What notable changes have you seen in PR over the past 12 years? How has PR changed?

Public relations (PR) have become a crucial commercial function over the past 20 years. Because of this, brands now recognize the value of PR in influencing perceptions and fostering brand loyalty.

1. Democratic media consumption: Customers these days choose who and what to listen to. Shorter attention spans and a glut of stuff to consume have elevated storytelling in PR to a new level. To keep the audience of digital natives interested, a variety of new content types and distribution channels have arisen, requiring PR professionals to look outside the confines of traditional media silos.

2. Data-driven storytelling: To enlighten, opine, and persuade the target customer base, PR professionals use data to craft appealing tales. They have their finger on the consumer’s pulse. Data is now the primary factor in campaign decisions rather than merely a supporting factor in the decision-making process.

3. Purpose-driven communication: It has never been more crucial for companies to explain who they are and what they stand for because businesses today operate in a complex environment. Every communication and business strategy now includes purpose-driven communication as a key component. Following the pandemic, the insurance sector has gained a lot of momentum.

What is your responsibility for ACKO in terms of PR and communication, and how do you intend to carry it out?

The way insurance is consumed in India has undergone a pleasant transformation thanks to ACKO. As the head of communication, I am tasked with protecting the reputation of the company and developing communication plans based on the four pillars of thought leadership: elevating the leadership stance, educating the consumer, and promoting ACKO as a trustworthy insurer.

As I previously stated, we have a well-constructed narrative and a balanced mixture of conventional and cutting-edge channels to present it to our varied group of stakeholders. No single instrument can be used to gauge the effectiveness of communication, and measurement in PR is a never-ending discussion. Performance measurements are possible for digital, but it is difficult to measure the value of communication for pureplay PR initiatives.

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