A digital film made for expressing the gratitude towards the Indian farmers


Fifty-eight percentage of the population in India’s depend on agriculture as their primary source. Farmers are considered the backbone of our nation since they place food on our table and clothes on our backs. There is an existing connection between farmers and Tata Steel, farmers take care of our kapda and roti while Tata Steel takes care of our makaan. Tata Steel has been responsible for India’s robust infrastructure like buildings to dams, flyovers to stadiums, bridges to highways, etc for hundreds of years. Through a plethora of legacy brands like Tata Shaktee – a brand of GC roofing sheets, it has been taking care of Indian farmers.

By providing food and clothes farmers gave us protection or security but there was a question of who would protect them and their livelihoods like providing shelters? This is where Tata Shaktee comes. It provides shelter over their tractors and their livestock. It also provides a roof over their head and also protects their harvest over the last two decades. On the occasion of Farmer’s Day/Kisaan Diwas on 23rd Dec’20, as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, the brand wanted to make a film for digital media for expressing the gratitude to the Indian farmers and thus strengthening the bond between brands and farmers.

The film was shot by ace cinematographer Ranjan Palit and produced by Made in Calcutta. The film is set to track by Mayukh-Mainak so that while bringing alive the celebratory tone of the message it can have accentuates the rustic vibe. Chief of Marketing BPR – B2C brands, Tata Steel Ltd, Satyajit Maity commented on the film that Tata Steel has been working tirelessly for the last two decades, enabling farmers to live with pride. He also said that he wanted to thank the Indian farmers for they made a difference in our nation and our lives. The film was a fitting tribute to the Indian farmers with the help of the brand and strengthen the backbone of the nation for the last 20 years. Therefore it is a salute for the Shaktee. ECD & VP, Wunderman Thompson, Kolkata, Arjun Mukherjee commented that Tata Steel and the farmers go back a long way. The film is for those people who gave their best effort even in rain or not only to provide and satisfy our needs, which states the dedication of the farmers.