Akshay Kumar in ad to spell out the formula of how much protein we need to consume by Horlicks Protein Plus


India’s protein consumption has decreased, which is less than 48 gm/day which was recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research which indicates that protein is not only lacking but also overlooked in the Indian diet, and this was commented by Observer Researcher Foundation, a leading independent think tank. This was commented on in the October 2020 report on the country’s protein deficiency. The country loves its crabs to an extent that protein receives step sibling treatment, so this statement was not at all surprising. Horlicks Protein Plus which is a Hindustan’s Unilever nutrition drink seems to recognize this issue.

The company had got Akshay Kumar to spell out the formula to meet the protein recommended dietary allowance every day. The ad contains two interesting scenes, In the first scene Kumar says that the secret of his fitness is tandoori chicken, he also says that eating vegetarian food is hard only meat can give us protein. In the second scene, the actor comments that we need to consume the same amount of proteins in grams every day as your weight, so if we weigh 80 kg then we need to consume 80 gm of protein every single day. The executive director of food and refreshments of HUL, Sudhir Sitapati spoke about the under consumption of protein. Sometimes Indian diet may be insufficient to meet the RDAs of protein. For every 1 kg of healthy body weight, one requires one gram of protein every day is the awareness that we need to create.

There could be impaired immune system if adults have a protein deficiency, the effect could be hair loss, an increase of fat, and many other effects. We need an optimal protein intake and relaunch of Horlicks Protein Plus, as of now our adult nutrition brand is one step closer to the initiative. The afaqs! Were surprised to see Kumar spell out this formula. The reason for this is people do not see the food of drinks brand dole out an exact intake formula and even if they did, people may mess it up or gets confused. Horlicks might have thought it might be the right time since we usually to extra care of our health this year. The co-founder of Sepalika which is a health care advisory, Sharad Agarwal commented that in the times of pandemic creating awareness about the protein and its crucial play does make sense.