Amazon India launched the #Find Life campaign


The #Find Life campaign from Amazon honors real individuals by sharing vignettes of their journeys in search of moments, expression, and self. To provide readers with a quick insight into how individuals use Amazon. to “discover” things for all of their life’s moments and to fulfill their dreams, Amazon. created a digital campaign.

The Find _Life campaign was designed to draw attention to the human experiences and sentiments that go into every purchase by displaying real customers who were successful in finding a variety of things on Amazon. that enabled them to communicate their feelings, engage with their families, or simply take pleasure in life. More videos will be released over the next two months after the launch of the digital campaign’s first leg, #Find Life, across social media platforms.

The Find _Life campaign, which launched in advance of the holiday season, tells the stories of three real customers: a young girl from Jaipur who is seven years old and who joyfully expresses herself through dance; a BMX biker who finds his self-expression in the streets of Noida with his bike; and the lovely interaction between a young boy in Kochi with his grandparents and family as he interacts with both modern technology and traditional food.

Through imaginative visual storytelling, these tales portray a glimpse into the lives of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds who are bound together by their search for goods that satisfy wants.

Manish Tiwary, Country Manager & Vice President, India Consumer Business – Amazon India, commented on the campaign, saying, “At Amazon. in, we have always endeavored to give a wide assortment of products to provide value and convenience in our customers’ lives. We are aware that a product serves as more than just a commodity; it also serves as a vehicle for expression. Every order has a backstory or an emotion, and it is these moments—that million of Amazon. sellers make it possible for customers through our marketplace—that makes up life. This advertisement shows how we aim to maintain improving the lives of our clients by assisting them in “Finding Life” so they can pay attention to their priceless moments.

Both drones and handheld cameras were used in the campaign’s shooting to convey scale and accessibility while also preserving intimacy and putting the viewer “in the action.” The main focus of the movie is on various doors since they serve as an entry point for understanding Indian households and how a purchase made on Amazon. fits into their daily lives.

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