Implementation of Artificial Intelligence biased by ROI


The myth regarding AI about its intensive investment in infrastructure, process changes, and manpower are busted as there is the worldwide adoption of AI. During this pandemic, enterprise survival is dependent on AI-powered solutions in every sector.

To achieve social distancing in the manufacturing sector, only a limited employees are allowed in factories and also need to follow the rules of social distancing and mask compliance. Enterprises are dealing with the extra responsibility of ensuring health safety among workers at the same time running the assembly line.

To simplify the processes, the enterprise needs to place their trust in AI solutions that analyze live CCTV camera feeds and raises alerts in real-time. It monitors the employers on face mask alongside social distancing non-compliance in real-time by plugging into the pre-existing infrastructure and the technology is binary. The system will raise alarm if the person, be the CEO or intern, is not wearing masks.

AI helps to create safe premises for work and also to boost employee morale. Industries invested in AI from a B2B standpoint can be used to measure facts and figures regarding tangible ROI which shows the trend. ROI is subjective for many industries such as HSE solutions that use AI-based solutions to prevent accidents, disability, and deaths.

An unprecedented surge occurred in online shopping during the pandemic and companies were able to analyze shopper’s choices using data. More accurate profiling of people and targeted advertising can be achieved by using AI. AI understands patterns and provides insights that are invisible to the human counterpart. AI has a strong foot in various functions such as process efficiencies, safety, wastage, market prediction, or resource planning in industries like healthcare, retail, education, supply chain, and manufacturing.

Challenges are faced by companies that have not seen business gains from their AI investments and R&D in this domain has not reached its full potential. Acute talent shortage and time management issues in different stages of the AI deployment process can be the cause of the discrepancy.

AI should not be treated as a single, homogenous entity. To attain tangible ROI, it is essential to identify the right implementation based on the requirements and R&D is often cost extensive. To train an AI algorithm, a large amount of data is required and organizations lack the right dataset for training.

For the implementation of an AI solution in the new world, various parameters will be used to judge everything which also includes ROI. During these dark times, AI provides a silver lining and created more powerful artificial intelligence systems across the world.