Latest Godrej Group Study Sheds Light on “Small Things We Do”


Different age groups across India addressed last year’s national lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic in their unique ways, the Godrej Group’s ‘Little Things We Do’ study has found.

A majority of these within the generation X grouping (59%), aged 45 and above, and therefore the Gen Z (53%) grouping, aged 18-24, turned to altruism, distributing sanitizers, food packets, old clothes, blankets, or medical devices to those in need.

A majority of millennials (54%) made environmentally-conscious actions their top priority. A dissection of the millennials age group further revealed that younger millennials (25-34) were the foremost environmentally conscious amongst all age groups with 54.83% giving top-most priority to growing plants reception, being aware of energy consumption, and of the environmental impact of the products they purchased.

The ‘Little Things We Do’ research was commissioned by the Godrej Group to spotlight how little contributions and their subsequent impact often leaves an enduring mark on our lives.

Almost three out of 5 (59%) millennials took to a physical or mental fitness activity like yoga, Zumba, walking or meditation to stay healthy and happy. At an equivalent time, only a little percentage quit vices like smoking, overspending, junk eating, and drinking across all age groups.

Only 36% of respondents surveyed said that they had quit unhealthy habits. Gen Z fared the worst on this count (34%) followed by generation X (35%). Eating healthy homemade food thanks to lockdown restrictions warranted a behavioral consensus amongst respondents falling within the Gen Z and younger millennials (74%) group as compared to older millennials (75%) and generation X (77%).

Sujit Patil, vice chairman & Group Head – Corporate Brand and Communications, Godrej, described the research as an insight into the minds of various consumer age groups in response to a challenging period. He said, “The current pandemic has taken a toll on the lifestyle and aspirations of Indians. People from different age groups, therefore, have started incorporating ‘little’ changes in their lives which will boost mental and physical wellbeing. While a number of the age groups have shown great interest in altruism, others have taken steps to safeguard their health and wellbeing.

He further added, “There may be a scope improvement within the area of hand and merchandise sanitization as only 86% of respondents said they’re sanitizing their hands or things as a measure to remain healthy and happy. This does require a concerted effort from all folks to boost the bar of private hygiene further. ”

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