LinkedIn Announces New Retargeting feature in LinkedIn Audience Network


LinkedIn has announced new retargeting options in LinkedIn Audience Network for scaling the campaigns. By this, the brands will be able to reach audiences who have interacted with their previous video and Lead-Gen Form ads. This will make it easier to extend campaigns to the audience network and generate more traffic through trusted third-party applications and websites. This retargeting feature will be added to the Campaign Manager over the next month.

LinkedIn said that the new targeting feature will help advertisers to tailor the messages with their objectives. By this, the brands can target the people who watched 75% or more of their video ads and can invite them to register for events through sponsored content ads.

By implementing retargeting features in Lead-Gen Forms, the professional network also helps the brands to target the people who showed initial interest in forms but did not convert. Which means, a person who didn’t complete the form will be retargeted and make them a successful leader.

Finally, LinkedIn said that many advertisers are using account targeting features to reach the right people. But sometimes it may not be so effective. The new retargeting feature will help the brands to reach the contacts which are in the purchase process. So, they can generate more quality leads to their campaigns.

TOPdesk international content marketer Marit van der Louw said in a statement that, “The new remarketing capabilities for lead-gen forms and video enable us to complete the full-funnel strategy we’ve been implementing on LinkedIn. Since using the new remarketing capabilities for lead-gen forms and videos, our conversion rate has gone up by 20%, while our cost per conversion went down by 24%.”

LinkedIn said, “As the business world transitions to recovery mode, it’s more important than ever for brands to reach and engage the audiences that matter to their business. Reduced marketing budgets and shifting business needs also mean you are under more pressure than ever to make your online investments go further.”

Advertisers are already using LinkedIn Audience Network to reach their audience in different third-party applications and websites, beyond LinkedIn, feeds, and within the budget. The people who opened the videos will be retargeted by the brands deliver their message throughout the potential buyer’s journey, across mobile and desktop.