Pledge for a Safer Cyber Playground: Happinetz Unveils #SafeInternetForKids Wall Initiative on Cyber Security Day

Pledge for a Safer Cyber Playground: Happinetz Unveils #SafeInternetForKids Wall Initiative on Cyber Security Day
Pledge for a Safer Cyber Playground: Happinetz Unveils #SafeInternetForKids Wall Initiative on Cyber Security Day


  • 88% of parents voice increasing concerns about their children’s potential exposure to inappropriate content
  • Happinetz empowering communities across 12 cities to join the movement for a safer digital environment


India, 29th November 2023: 45 million children between the ages of 3 and 15 in India have access to the internet, internet that is unfiltered. Happinetz, a parental control filter box, that is committed to creating a safe online environment for children has taken a step towards building a movement called #SafeInternetForKids Pledge Wall flagging off on Cyber Security Day. Inviting all stakeholders like government officials, educators and parents, Happinetz hopes to build this wall brick by brick through collective action.


The movement begins online with the release of a safe internet for kids platform that will contain the pledge. Every signature adds to the symbolic representation of a wall that Happinetz wishes to create around every child in the country against online threats, adult content, addictions and rising screen times to provide a more secure digital future for them.


Speaking on the announcement, Richa Singh, CEO and Co-founder of Happinetz said, “While parents are concerned about unsafe internet and unhealthy screen time, the scale of the problem has now become much more pronounced. The Internet is no longer restricted to an online sphere, its negative effects can be seen in a child’s offline world impacting physical health too. We all need to come together to deliver the promise of a safe future for our kids. Through the Safe Internet For Kids Pledge Wall, we’re doing our part and I urge all stakeholders to do theirs. We cannot do this alone.”


To amplify the impact of this initiative, the movement has an offline leg as well. Happinetz is embarking on an India tour across 12 cities, including Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Nasik, Bhopal, Indore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Lucknow, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Delhi. The tour aims to raise awareness about the significance of a safe internet for kids and encourage people from all walks of life to take the pledge.


The offline events will see Singh and Happinetz team interacting with teachers, principals and parents and together, they will build a Safe Internet For Kids Charter, a comprehensive guide outlining the commitments of all stakeholders for creating a safe internet playground for kids. This charter will be available free of cost on the safe internet for kids platform for everyone’s use.


Parents have been expressing growing concerns, with 88% worried about their children’s exposure to inappropriate content. Despite their best efforts, stories of unsafe internet encounters continue to make headlines, emphasizing the indiscriminate nature of the internet. Happinetz recognizes the challenges parents face in monitoring and filtering online content, calling attention to the crucial role of technology exposure in shaping a child’s internet experience.