#ItTakes2 Pamper’s Ad- The Promise of a Father


“Instead of being called just a father… I’ve got to… Become one,” this is said by the father in Pampers ‘, a line of baby and toddler goods from Procter & Gamble (P&G), a second father-focused commercial within a week.

Leo Burnett’s 120-second ad tells viewers how the character of a man transforms right from the moment he runs his wife to the hospital as she goes into labour to take on an equal parental role as the baby returns home. From waking up at midnight to pacifying his baby girl to changing her clothes to learning a foreign language to speak to her, “babies need their Papa just as much as their Mumma needs them.”

Named ‘A Father’s Promise,’ Pampers says that It takes 2 not only to make a child but it also takes 2 to raise a child!” Expressing his desire to become a parental friend and a father’s promise, Pampers India is taking the first step!” The customers can take the pledge here at https://www.diaperstore.co.in/ItTakes2

“It says, “My little child, you’ve added a whole layer of life to my life ever since you were born. Fatherhood for you is an experience like that. I learn new things about you and yourself every day, and I never knew until you came into our lives that I had so much love to share. I am pleased that this opportunity has been given to me by Pampers to pledge my increasing love for you as your dad. For you, I trust Pampers because it keeps you as gentle and relaxed as the little rosebud that you are. For anything, I’m here – whether it’s eating, sleeping, playing, or diapering. In the same way as a dad. Because #ItTakes2”

Pampers made a splash last week with their advertisement where fathers took on the role of a mentor to help new father Virat Kolhi excel in his life’s greatest struggle, i.e., fatherhood.

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