Disney + Hotstar ready to offer global health content to its subscribers


Disney + Hotstar (simply known as Hotstar), Indian Over The Top (OTT) streaming service owned by a subsidiary of Star India, Novi Digital Entertainment is recently engaged in offering global health and wellness content for its subscribers. Disney + Hotstar had entered into a strategic alliance with Brilliant Wellness to attain its objective of strengthening the health and fitness category.

The streaming platform is ready to introduce value-added content from top fitness experts, celebrity Nutritionals, and yoga gurus. With the extended lockdown period due to Covid-19, people get to see their favorite celebrities uploading pictures and videos of their workout sessions which had led to a growing tendency among them to stay fit and healthy. Along with Disney+ Hotstar, Indian startups, and game-changers Sarva and Cult. Fit also come on board to instill a healthy lifestyle and fitness regime among their audiences who are forced to stay indoors in this lockdown period.

Disney + Hotstar had introduced its new content in Hindi. Telugu and English languages and the category will help audiences monitor their wellness while quarantining at home and continue when they switch back to their normal life. Disney + Hotstar’s spokesperson responded that they are hoping to build a deep connection with their audiences by engaging them with their new category and make them lead a better life in this stressful situation. The video offering that is suited to staying at home people will help them maintain a healthy and fit life ahead. There are also looking forward to making the video offerings of health and workout contents available in other Indian languages like Kannada.

The founder and director of Brilliant Wellness, Adarsh Gupta told that they are excited about their alliance with Disney + Hotstar with a hope to create a positive impact on the lives of their subscribers. Brilliant Wellness has been working tirelessly for the past five years to create a library of doing it along with home-based workout content with India’s leading experts in Yoga and gym workouts.

The Sarva founder, Sarvesh Shashi said that is a giant step they have taken to be in alliance with Disney + Hotstar.