Growth of Artificial Intelligence amidst COVID-19


Before the outbreak of Covid-19 artificial intelligence was making its way by significantly bringing out prominent changes in technology and innovations.  Now, things are totally different and the coronavirus finally gave Artificial Intelligence its moment.

Companies need to organize their operations and they dramatically increased their investments in cloud-computing technologies and drifted their related works and communications online. Minimizing the size of the workforce in the office, implementing the major changes will serve the companies to run their operations flexibly and more reliably.

The companies need more of corporate data in the cloud to progress the capabilities of AI. The business leaders and managers need to spot the appropriate areas and also make effective investments. Consequently, it could be a crucial moment for the future of innovations.

In the past years, the existence of artificial intelligence hasn’t fully lived up to its hype.  Artificial Intelligence is nothing but computer programs or machines which are an exact replica of human intelligence. They imitate human actions and simplify human lives. Powerful algorithms and a huge amount of data are used to identify the critical patterns. AI assists business managers in making predictions deliver useful insights and in their effective decision-making process. AI along with machine learning enables applications that provide real-time protection against financial crimes and frauds.

In this existing condition, the business corporates are expecting the support of Artificial Intelligence to a greater extent. The whole nationwide lockdown has put physical restrictions and ultimately impacted the consumer consumption pattern negatively. The attitude which is prevailing currently will spur the growth and development of AI. The entry of e-commerce industries into the frame made it more convenient for the consumer’s purchasing power. To avoid more risks the consumers have migrated to encourage more of online shopping.

The growing trend in online activities compels in the adoption of virtual customer service agents. As per the estimates of International Business Machines Corporation, only 20 per cent of the companies are using AI-powered technology. But the predictions state that more companies will be adopting AI in the future years.

Big Tech already exhibited how useful AI can be in combating COVID-19. Machine learning algorithms were used by BlueDot, an Amazon Web Services startup customer to examine through a massive amount of online data and predict the contagious virus in China.

To conclude businesses need to take a responsible path during the crisis time by augmenting their usage of AI technologies.