#IAmAnArtist Camel’s new campaign states everyone as an artist


Camel in its new campaign #IAmAnArtist for fluid acrylic colours states everyone is an artist. The campaign encourages and motivates people to bring back their confidence in creativity and proudly say ‘I am An Artist. This campaign aims to rediscover the creative confidence of the audience.

Kokuyo Camel, a stationery company has rolled out its #IAmAnArtist campaign for their Fluid Acrylic Colours, which is a series of 3 varied colour kits, that contain ready to pour colours, used for creating exciting fluid art. While art and painting make somebody worried about the results that would reveal and hold them back from trying, the Fluid Acrylic Colours kit welcomes both beginners and also the experts to express and explicit their artistic side. Kokuyo Camel has released a new campaign named #IamAnArtist in collaboration with BC Web Wise.

The campaign involves a combination of introductory tutorial videos for the viewers to know and understand the fluid art process and also to unleash their artistic side and content, it features real people along with their Fluid Art paintings.

Camel through this campaign has encouraged and inspired its fans to take their first step in knowing and expressing themselves artistically. It smoothly and continuously presents the experience of art in a therapeutic form and also accepts every artist’s tireless efforts. The lasted product offers the fans a favorable circumstance to escape from the stress and confusion of everyday life and also through their art gives them a chance to express themselves. So people can proudly say that #IAmAnArtist with Fluid Acrylic Colours.

According to Chaaya Baradhwaaj, the founder and MD, BC Web Wise, Camel has always been at the front line when it comes to the innovations in the track of art supplies. It has been introducing Indians to the newest trends and forms from the world of art. “Their newest product, the Fluid Acrylic Colours has moved a step ahead in arriving out to both the artist community and others who have traditionally no connection to the world of art. This product helps in overcoming the obstacles of art as something that’s related only with the classes, and is made more accessible and available to the masses,” she related.