New Formula for Modern Warfare: AI and Big Data


Every single day the growth of artificial intelligence is getting accumulated to the fact that people are wondering if one day AI will be as smart as a human brain. The question we should be asking ourselves is what will happen if that happens? Who will have an upper hand?

Big Data Helps for Smarter AI? 

Big data and algorithms are the lifeblood of any artificial intelligence. The decisions are made taking all this data into account. AI generates hundreds of possible solutions from which we can select the most appropriate one. It is no doubt that the United States of America was always ahead in terms of technological advancements being one of the developed countries, it is even fair to say that they are on technological warfare with China.

The United States was always ahead in terms of domination and overall growth in almost all sectors, but it’s not a clever move for a country to be sitting idle when they know they are on top. However, don’t be fool by the lead USA have. Chinese Government was cleverly investing and sponsoring various research initiatives in tech for their Military advances.

Combat Strengths and limitations

Keeping in mind about the pace in which technology is growing, it is fair to say that the weapons and combat equipment currently used by the military has guided and smart programmed codes to understand facial recognition, search optimization, and vehicle routing this is done by synthesizing a lot of heavy data.

Geographical limitations of AI should be taken into account because it affects the mobility of data and machine learning, this is because data is embedded in the system and it requires a vehicle or any other means of traveling from one location to another. Not to mention how hard it is to supply equipment to certain operating locations that are hard to preach and this creates a nationwide logistic problem.

Challenges Involved in Incorporating AI in Weaponization

Applications of Al Tells us that AI can be incorporated into weaponization, as easy as it sounds There are numerous challenges that are involved while weaponizing it. The cost that will be incurred to put this idea into motion will be substantially great, the communication systems that the AI should be encrypted to avoid Hacking. Developing the hardware that will be compatible with AI is one thing it is far more difficult to create compatible software. There are numerous untapped applications for AI so it is essential to understand the importance of integrating AI and big data into military applications which can have a strong impact on the power that is vested within the country’s hand.

Soon if China rises to catch up with America who has global military dominance, the combination of AI and big data in the weaponization combined with their military will be crucial to hold their top is the position in the world.